Sasami's Shrine of Cuteness!

Sasami's Biography

Sasami floating away cutely with all of her friends secretly trapped in balloons by Stacy in her plan to take over the world...j/k

Above, you see the cutest girl in the entire universe!!! Meet Sasami, the blue haired princess! What makes Sasami different from all the other girls in anime? Sasami's much cuter, she has way better hair than Usagi from Sailor Moon (sorry Usagi fans), she's way more responsible, her alter-ego is a super hero, she's a Princess in her normal form, and her other half is one of the three Goddesses of Jurai. The above image is courtesy of Tenchi Muyo!: No Need for a Homepage.
Name Masaki Sasami Jurai
Translation Sandy Sami Beach (a lot of the Tenchi Muyo! characters are named after landmarks)
Physical Age 8 years old
True Age 708 years old (she spent 700 of those years in suspended animation)
Height 4' 0" (123 cm)
Blood Type Type O
Eye Color Pink
Hair Color Blue
Voice (Japan) Chisa Yokohama
Voice (United States) Sherry Lynn
Power Rank Rank 4
Powers Sasami herself has no powers; she lost hers when she got into an accident (explained below). However, she is linked to Tsunami, and Tsunami is fourth most powerful being in the universe, able to make 10 Light Hawk Wings. (compared to Tenchi, who can create 3, and Achika and Yosho who can create only 1).
Spaceship Tsunami
Quote "Hurray! I get to marry Tenchi!"
Relation to Tenchi In the OAV (Tenchi Muyo!, Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-ohki) and TV series 1 (Tenchi Universe; Tenchi Muyo!), Sasami is Tenchi's Great Aunt (because Sasami is Yosho's half sister, and Tenchi is Yosho's grandson via Achika; and I'm still looking up the relationship between Nobuyuki and Sasami, because they ARE related, I just don't know how many generations). In Tenchi in Tokyo and Pretty Sammy, they aren't related at all.


Sasami is the second princess of Jurai. She is Ayeka's sister, and daughter of King Jurai and Queen Misaki. Though she is the youngest of the Tenchi group (physically), she is also the most mature (of all the females).

Sasami is described by some as the "innocent lil girl," but true Sasami fans know better. Sasami likes Tenchi a lot. She doesn't appreciate the way the other girls treat Tenchi. Tenchi seems to like Sasami a lot, too. But did you ever hear the expression "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach?" That sure explains a lot about Sasami, doesn't it? ^_^ Well, maybe not. There are lots of reasons why people love Sasami. She's responsible, and knows her way around guys. Oh, and she is very cute! But when people ask, "Why do you like Sasami so much?", most Sasami fans just say, "Because she's SO cute!"

When she was little (when she was about 4 years old), Jurai came under attack. In the turmoil, Sasami got lost and played around in an interior garden. During the attack, a Jurai spaceship crashed into the building Sasami was playing in. This caused Sasami to fall into a deep abyss. At the bottom of the abyss was a forest of Jurai trees. Tsunami, in her tree form, sensed Sasami's fading energy and she used her life force to save her. Ever since that accident, she had two markings on her forehead. In Jurai, these markings are a status symbol and represent power. Only the most powerful of Juraians have them; not even Yosho has them. People on Jurai often use make-up to achieve this effect. However, real markings are rare. Tenchi's markings are real. So is Sasami's. Another reason why Sasami is the perfect one for Tenchi. People with them are thought to be blessed by Sasami.

For now, Sasami and Tsunami are separate people, but when Sasami is old enough, she will join with Tsunami and will become one person. This is why Sasami's reflection is that of Tsunami in the OAV series. And vice versa. Sasami frequently has bad dreams and they give her an idea of what is to come. However, these nightmares can be changed by Sasami depending on what she does in her life. One good example was when Sasami had a dream that Tokimi had taken Tenchi away.

Sasami, when assimilated with Tsunami, will be able to create an astonishing 10 Lighthawk Wings, making her probably the strongest Juraian ever (that is if you don't count the other Goddesses).

Sasami also appeared as the star of a spinoff series called Pretty Sammy. In this series, Sasami is a superhero named Pretty Sammy and did spells with her magic wand. She can do practically anything with her magic wand, but she is best known for her powerful love spells.

Pretty Sammy also appeared in the OAV series (the Mihoshi Special) and in the first TV series (episode 12). She was so kawaii in these episodes!

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