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How Scooter became a 3 legged cat:
Scooter was a little stray that wandered to my home.So I'd feed him with the rest of the strays I had and kind of tamed him so I could pick him up ect.After a few months he had made himself comfortable at my home in my front yard and one day he came up missing.So we looked and looked for him for three days and on the third day someone saw what they thought was the hind end of a cat sticking out from under a trailer home across the street from where I live where they sell trailers to be moved.So my mother got a flashlight to go check it out and saw a cats black tail sticking out from  the insulation  under the bottom/floor of the trailer so she ran and got me.After crawling under the trailer with a flashlight I discovered to my horror that Scooter had gotten his little right leg caught in the netting that holds the insulation under the floor and some wire also.His leg was badly broken and poor little thing he had to be caught there for at least 2 to 3 days.I have never seen a cat so happy to see me in my whole life he was purring the whole time I was trying to free him.I got a pair of scissors and carefully cut him out and wrapped him in a blanket and rushed him to the vet.The vet had to amputate his little leg because it was so badly broken.So we adopted Scooter and put him in the house.He recovered very quickly and is like a normal cat in every way even though he only has 3 legs now.He even runs and plays like the rest of the cats in the house.I have to admire Scooters will to live and the fact that it doesn't seem to bother him at all that his leg was taken off.So I think that makes Scooter the best 3 legged cat in the whole world ;)Scooter lives with me now and is very happy,healthy and FAT!He "helps" me with everything I do and never leaves my side.

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