Allies of the Thsier, the Bakorians are a warm-blooded humanoid species that has evolved in the antarctic region of Iersia.
Averaging 1.9 meters in height but weighing only an average of 70 kilograms, they appear somewhat willowy.  Bakorian skin color ranges from shimmering white, to pale yellow, to light blue; their hair color ranges from faint blond, to subdued red, to soft white.  They have an almost angelic appearance, particularly in their bright, frozen homelands, where they are a natural match with the arctic terrain.  The average life span for a Bakorian is unknown, since none ever live longer than 175 (see below).


Bakorians are very individualistic.  Their society teaches them that they are the reincarnation of one of the "Ancients" (Bakorians means "those reborn"), and thus they have a proud air and sometimes a patronizing attitute toward others.  They appear to have few (if any) emotions.  Youthfulness  is treasured like nothing else in their society, yet technological attempts to conceal aging are considered absurd to them.  A Bakorian will always carry himself with confidence.  All professions are well-represented among the Bakorians.  They are strong despite their frail appearance, quick despite their impassive patience, and intelligent despite their stoic nature.  While skilled in almost every arena, Diplomats are typically some of the most skillful Bakorians.  While psionic ability is rare (0.25% of the population, only 10% of whom are full Mindwalkers), some Bakorians have been known to be powerful Telepaths.

Special Abilities

Complex Culture:  Bakorian culture is filled with many unique rituals and intricacies.  Their natural mastery of such complexities gives them an advantage in understanding other cultures.  Bakorian characters gain a -1 step bonus on all Culture skill checks (including all associated specialty skills).  Similarly, other races suffer a +1 step penalty when making any skill check towards understanding or dealing with Bakorian culture.

Networking:  Despite their individualistic society, the complexity of the Bakorian culture demands close networking among its people.  For this reason, cost of Acquire Contact (see Chapter 8:  Achievements in the Player's Handbook) is one less than listed on table P29 (for all professions).

Mental Focus:  The mental toughness of an individual Bakorian can be very potent.  A Bakorian can withstand "dazed" penalties associated with fatigue, stun, and wound (though not mortal) damage by making a Resolve-Physical skill check--on an Ordinary success, he offsets 1 step in penalties; Good, 2 steps; Amazing, 3 steps (on a Critical Failure, he suffers an additional +1 step penalty on all actions for the rest of the current round).


Although the arctic and temperate regions of Iersia are inhabited by many species that could have evolved into sentient beings like the Bakorians, the sacred belief of the Bakorians is that they are the reincarnations of the "Ancients" (powerful spirits from ages past).  During their early history, the Bakorians waged a holy war (the "Spiritual Cleansing") against the Thsier of Iersia.  While technologically inferior to the Thsier, the Bakorians could always return to their icy strongholds--cities beyond the reach of the cold-blooded saurians.  Despite this advantage, the long Bakorian gestation period (around ten months) and heavy combat losses forced the Bakorians into long periods of hiding followed by a subsequent period of renewed brutal war.

From the earliest of days, the Bakorians have always been led by a ruler holding the title "The Highest"--he who has the most "brilliant" ancient spirit contained within his body.  The pratice of spirit-lore has been a tradition since the Bakorian stone age to determine such things, but in modern times it has become far more scientific and is usually termed salikor ("birth of spirits").
 Life Science-Genetics (new Rank Benefits):  At Rank 4, Bakorian geneticists gain salikor knowledge.  Salikor allows the
geneticist to analyze the specific nature of bases, the nitrogen compound that makes up DNA.  (DNA consists of four bases--adenine which matches with thymine and guanine which matches with cytosine, hence the ATGC structure of the double helix.)  In Bakorians, unlike most species, adenine and thymine bases in the DNA strand can contain specific isotopes
in their nitrogen compound makeup.  Only through this odd happening are the "spirits of the Ancients" able to inhabit the
bodies of the Bakorians.  One knowledgable in salikor can read these imprints in the DNA and judge the strength of the
"spirit within".  At Rank 8 (X), even a member of another species may gain salikor knowledge.  Also, salikor geneticists can engineer a Bakorian fetus to accept a spirit 10% greater than normal for each degree of success (-10% on a Critical Failure, +10% on an Orrdinary success, +20% on Good, +30% on Amazing).  At Rank 12, sailikor engineering increases the strength of the spirit by 20% per degree of success.

Just before their industrial age, a change in philosophy swept Bakorian society:  the Baykor ("Rebirth").  While no one knows for certain, most scholars believe that the "Highest" of the period, Takor IV, was a powerful Mindwalker.  Perhaps he foresaw a future of ruin for his people under their current warlike ways.  After the Baykor, the Bakorians reinvented themselves as protectors sent by the heavens to guard the Thsier and, later, all other sentient races.

This dramatic change in philosophy was not well-received by the Thsier, who continued to fight for many more years.  Eventually, Takor IV managed to convince the Thsier to make peace and join them in an alliance.  During the Thsier economic depression after the peace (as detailed under the Thsier), the Bakorians fared only slightly better but did manage to assist the aggressive saurians in building non-military industries by donating virtually all technological advantages they had to the Thsier.

Certainly their new allies could have taken advantage of their newfound technology and claimed Iersia for themselves, but the new Highest of the era, Uriial VI, managed to prevent all-out war.  Eventually, with the help of Bakorian businessmen,
technologies from the Thsier were incorporated into Bakorian research and production as well.

Current Campaigns

Throughout Bakorian history, the pratice of slaying the weak has been accepted.  They believe that weak children are born with only part of a spirit of an "Ancient"; the fractured spirit must be returned to the cosmos to rejoin its other part.  Similarly, to die under natural causes of age is to expend the life of the ancient spirit within; this is prevented by the Wakor ("unbirth"), a ceremony of ritual suicide at the relatively young age of 175.  Both pratices continue today, but modern genetics (salikor) has prevented the need to kill children:  they can simply be bio-engineered to have a "full spirit" at birth.

Unlike the Thsier, the Bakorians' individualistic nature has led to the rapid development of competitive corporations which, in
turn, led to large cities.  Personal vehicles and road systems in Bakorian lands are very common, though the Thsier grav-train
network provides good coverage of this land as well.  As pollution from vehicles and industries started to devastate Iersia, the loss of ozone around the antarctic regions of the planet caused an unusual rate of aborted Bakorian fetuses (note that Bakorians are never mutants--they would have been aborted as soon as such genes were observed).  Once determined that the cause was radiation from the weaker atmosphere, environmentally friendly energy sources were sought and all fossil fuels
were outlawed by the Highest Takor IX in order to protect the fetus' spirits.

Nearly all major cities are in Bakormir ("the rebirth land"), although with population demands and modern technology a significant number have also been founded in Wokormir ("the [lizard-ones'] unbirth land").  While the Highest sets forth many rules for the betterment of the spirits, Bakorian society and government is largely minimal.  Had they been alone on the planet,
corporations almost certainly would have had the most influence; instead, they compete strongly with each other and the
Thsier government-backed businesses.

The only major political split within Bakorian society revolves around cybertech.  Around 70% of the Bakorians swear
away from cybernetics, believing it is in direct conflict with possessing the spirits of the "Ancients".  The remaining 30% of the population believes it is simply the next step in focusing the power of the ancient spirits.  Bakorians who accept cybernetic implants are usually called Rappkor ("metal births").  On Thsopla-Meninar C, a large colony of Bakorians are mostly Rappkor (about 65%), attempting to flee any persecution that may arise on Iersia in the future.  The Rappkor have segregated themselves on the icy moon intentionally and have been at the forefront of cybernetic research at this outpost, discovering virtually every piece of PL 7 cybernetic equipment.  Their research was also the driving force behind the "success" of the Tshsim Project (as detailed under the Thsier).

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