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Bienvenido al Grupo Scout Francisco de Miranda #1750 con sede en Miami - Florida, es patrocinado por la Hermandad Venezolana Americana, y registrado en la Asociación Scout de Venezuela y en Boy Scouts of America

Welcome to Scout Group Francisco de Miranda #1750 with headquarters in Miami - Florida, chartered by Venezuelan American Brotherhood, and registered in Asociación Scout de Venezuela and Boy Scouts of America

Pack (Cubs Scouting) Troop (Boy Scout) Crew (Venturing)

Lugar de reuniones
Place of meeting
9400 SW Coral Way, 
Miami, Florida 33165, 
Día: Domingo
Day: Sunday
Hora: 3:00 p.m.
Hour: 3:00 p.m.
011 - 1 - (305) 975.2409
011 - 1 - (305) 226.8140
011 - 1 - (305) 707.3398
Dirección Postal
Postal address
610 S.W. 114 Av. #11, 
Miami, Florida 33174, 
Dirección Electrónica


Pack (Cubs Scouting)
Troop (Boy Scout)
Crew (Venturing)











Pack - Cubs Scouting (Manada)

Cub Scouting activities involve the parents, adult leaders, and friends of Cub Scouts in home centered programs that teach life skills, habits, values, and attitudes consistent with the interest of their chartered organization. Millions of boys and their families participate in Cub Scouting, the largest of the three Boy Scouts of America membership divisions. Cub Scout activities encourage character development, physical coordination, family unity, and enthusiasm for learning. This Unit works with children from the 7 years to the 10 years of age, or who are studying between the primeo and the fifth degree of education, in the United States. The Herd leans in the reality with the resource of the imagination, as it has designed with the use of the "Book of the Virgenes Earth" of Rudyard Kipling and the fantasies of the forest, being all the activity of the oriented program to obtain in the boy a sufficient capacity of expression and independent action, so that it can happen to the adolescent stage, replacing the multipersonal bond with other companions.

Troop - Scouting (Tropa)

Boy Scouting encourages boys to develop physical, mental, and emotional fitness and to adopt and live by meaningful personal standards  as a cornerstone for success in life. These values include the basic principles in the Scout Oath and Law. Activities include fitness and leadership  training, wilderness adventure, and merit badge incentives for boys mastering hobby and career skills.This Unit works with boys from the 11 years to the 17 years of age, and that they have approved the fifth degree of education, in the United States. The Program goes oriented to affirm to the adolescent in the crisis of its growth, using to the stable group called "Patrol", yet its socializing value, and oriented towards a competitive and strong action with the game, the observation and the challenge that the fulfillment of a life program supposes outdoors.


Crew - Venturing (Clan)

Venturing is an effective coed young-adult program designed to improve character, citizenship, and fitness. Ventures exercise leadership, citizenship, fitness, social, outdoor, and community service endeavors. Venturing provides a variety of challenging activities to teach young people the real-world meaning of values, ethical decision making, and life skills. Venturing teaches leadership and problem-solving skills to help youths mature into confident, successful adults. Venturing crews organize around a special vocation or interest of the youth members.


The specialty clusters include outdoors, sports, art and hobbies, youth ministry and Sea Scouting.This Unit works with young adults from the 14 years to the 20 years of age, and that they have approved the eighth degree of education, in the United States. With the direct test of incorporation of the greater adolescent to the society of the adults, affirming its individuality, at the same time that the opportunity of new forms of relation with figures is offered to him that before incarnated authority images, condition this one indispensable one for the free, responsible and paritaria incorporation social.


Send e- mail to Group Chairman

[email protected]




Home Pack (Cubs Scouting) Troop (Boy Scout) Crew (Venturing)

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Copyright © 2002 Grupo Scout Francisco de Miranda #1750
Ultima modificación: June 12, 2002
Send e- mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2002 Francisco de Miranda Scout Group #1750
Last modified: June 12, 2002
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