House Rules
    So many of my rules and charts are spread all over this site under their respective subjects. I thought it might be helpful if I added a page that just linked them all together. Take what you like. I hope it helps make your game better in some way. All I ask is that if you think my numbers are wrong in some way that you email me with your reasoning and a suggestion for correcting my mistake. I am always looking for improvement.
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Gurps 4th edition Traveller Armor - Doc File
Gurps 4th edition Traveller Weapons - Doc File
Gurps 4th edition Traveller Tech Level Conversion Chart - Doc File
Gurps 4th edition Traveller Military Ranks - Doc File
Detailed Modern Military Ranks - Doc File
Gurps 4th edition Instant Characters - Doc File
Advanced Hit Location Charts
Same chart different targets. Pick the one most appropriate for your game.

Surgeon General's Waring: Note that use of these hit location charts my prove hazardous to your PC's health.
Bond Girl Advanced Hit Location Chart
WW2 German Soldier Advanced Hit Location Chart
"Fight the power!" Advanced Hit Location Chart
Ship's Crewman Advanced Hit Location Chart
Roman Soldier Advanced Hit Location Chart
Spacegirl Advanced Hit Location Chart
Marine in Battledress Advanced Hit Location Chart
Armor, Weapons, Modern Military rank & Traveller Military rank files have been recently updated. More weapons and armor options, and the rank costs have been brought in line with the Basic Set rank costs., plus information for Status, Wealth, Duty, Patron, and Security Clearance has been added. Check back here periodically as I contine to update these files.
Ok, so it's not Traveller. It is useful if you're going to run a modern day campaign that may involve military characters. Recently updated!
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