Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club         Southeastern Caribbean Bird Alert         Trinidad and Tobago Rare Bird Committee
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta)
Alternate plumaged adult Little Egret (right in A) with two alternate plumaged Snowy Egrets (E. thula) at San Fernando, Trinidad, 25 April 2002. Photo � by Brett Hayes. This photo illustrates the following distinctions between the two species: (1) larger, thicker bill of Little Egret; (2) bluish lores typical of Little Egret (but highly variable, sometimes pale yellowish, whitish, greyish, greenish, reddish or even chestnut) compared with yellow lores of adult Snowy Egret (may be greyish in immatures, reddish when breeding); (3) flatter forehead of Little Egret compared with steeper forehead of Snowy Egret; (4) long, lanceolate head plumes of alternate plumaged Little Egret compared with the shaggy filamentous head plumes of Snowy Egret; and (5) longer neck and larger body size of Little Egret. For further information on identification of Little Egret and Snowy Egret, click here. For further information on the status of Little Egret in Trinidad and Tobago, see: Hayes, F. E., and G. L. White. 2001. Status of the Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) in Trinidad and Tobago. Pitirre 14:54-58.  [abstract / resumen]
B                                                               C
Alternate plumaged adult at Buccoo, Tobago, 24 May 2001 (B-C). Photos � by Floyd Hayes. Note the two long, lanceolate head plumes diagnostic of alternate plumaged Little Egret.
D                                             E                                                      F
Basic plumaged adults or immatures at San Fernando, Trinidad, 10 November 2000 (D-E), and at Trinicity, Trinidad, 8 December 2000 (F). Photos � by Floyd Hayes. Note the absence of head plumes in basic plumaged individuals.
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