The Players
"In the end, he [Lucas] cast it as an ensemble piece- three of us together. There was another group of three actors waiting in the wings in case we didn't work out, but at no time would it have been mix-and-match."
~Carrie Fisher
"The film was far more effective than I'd anticipated  on the level of special effects. It was clear from the opening frames that this was a lot more than three goofballs and a guy in a monkeysuit."
~Harrison Ford
"It's Neverland. It's Oz. It's a galaxy far, far away-- a great place to go and live out the fantasies you can't get in the nine-to-five world.
~Mark Hamill
Besides, who would want to see this posse separated? Without this Lucas-given opportunity they could still be known as the "carpenter, Debbie Reynolds' daughter, and the Navy-man's son" trio. Of course, they  might not be known at all then. Because of Star Wars, their careers were jumpstarted and sent into hall-of-fames around the galaxy.
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