
Character's full name
Category of character
- Main character
Meaning of character name
- Hoping he as smart as "Jackie Chan"

Physical Appearance
- 9 months old
Eye Color
- Black
Height & Weight
- 45cm, 9kg
Predominant features
- Linked eyebrow
- Typical dog
Skin tone
- Yellow brown

The W List
Where is it set? - Living hall
When is it set? - Morning, Christmas
What does your character want? - Breakfast chips
Who is your character? - A house dog
Which famous actor can suite the characteristic of your character?
- Pluto (Here's Pluto!)
Why is he? - Having the same characteristic
What does he aspect? - He aspect to get the chips back and destroy the ants
How does he get it? - Interrupt and surround them
Where does he come from? - Wake up from his basket
Where is he going? - Going to have his breakfast

Where does he live? - In a basket which inside a human house
Where did he grow up? - Malaysia
Era/ Time period - Year 2003
Type of childhood - Happy
Marital Status - Single

Immediate goals - Get back the chips
Long term goals - Happy forever
How does the character plan to accomplish these goals? - Think smart
How will other characters be effected? - The ants come to stole his chips

Personality & Traits
Personality Strengths (Good Characteristics) - Smart
Personality Weakness (Character Flaws) - Afraid of itchy, careless
Emotional traits - Happy but easy to get angry
Talents - Good in finding things
Skills - Jumping

Color - Red
Song - Christmas song
Food - Chips
Drink - Milk
Toy - Bone

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