Title: A Comparative Review On The Application Of Principle Of Animation In 2D And 3D Animation.

Abstract: Recently, the 3D or CG animations have become more and more popular but people seldom think of the root of these technologies which is the classical animation - 2D. Not all but quite a number of 3D animations nowadays may lack of principles of animations such as exaggeration and so on, and always producing animations which we can see in real life or in theater. Those animations can be considered as stiff as us - human. Compared to classical 2D animations, the animations are more exciting, interesting by including extreme movement, acting which is more attractive. There are several differences while executing principles of animation into 2D and 3D in terms of technical, so the efficiency is not the same at all. So to find out the answer, a comparative study is needed to analyze the pros and cons of 2D animation versus 3d animation. Therefore, my main task is to achieve the essence of animation by principles of animation producing 2D + 3D animation with 2D characters with 3D environment. In order to gain insights into the realm of principles of animations, a case study approach is executed, which particularly study the characteristics such as movements, poses, gestures of classical animation characters. The output of this study method may cause several changes in animation production process, hence helps in customising animating techniques of 2D in 3D environment, which may generally makes the whole animation as interesting as possible.

Thesis issues: Principles of animation are the most important elements in animation. Therefore, the quality of an animation is strongly measured by how much implementation of principles of animation in the animation, no matter what type of animation it is (2D, 3D, and etc.)

Keywords: Animation,2D, 3D, Principles Of Animations

Aim: To achieve the essence of animation by producing a 3D + 2D animation by implementing the principles of animation.

-To analyse the designs of 2D character animation.
-To identify the limitations, scope, pros and cons of principles of animation in 2D animation and 3D animation environment
-To analyse the differences of principles of animation execution in 2D and 3D animation.
-To obtained adequate knowledge in area of research.
-To apply the learned knowledge into my final animation project.
-To experiment with animating a different style of character movement such as extreme acting, fast movement, flexible body language rather than stiff human character movement.
-To experiment with compositing 2D characters in 3D environment.

Thesis Development:
-Full Study of principles of animation.
-Compare the effectiveness of principles of animation in 2D and 3D animation.
-Study of characteristic of the characters in classical animation.
-Gather contemporary artwork of cartoon character design, animations and information.
-Identify the preliminary considerations and key factors that affect the characteristic and animation of the character.
-Discussion and evaluation on character design and animation.

References: Various 2D animations and 3D animations

Research relation to the Design Project Proposal:
The output of this research, which is applying 2D animation In 3D Environment with principles of animations from 2D animation.The research/thesis helps highlights the principles of animations in digital animation film. Process such as planning, executing rough boards, conceptual illustrations, storyboarding and many more are part of the information from the research that can be refer to as a reference guide for me to execute my design project successfully.
In addition, the research also includes information that is useful for the development of the design project. Information such as reviews, reference books from authors, information from the Internet, quotations done by artist and many more will help me further understand the necessarily steps in developing my design project.

Hypothesis: I personally felt that by applying 2D animation styles in 3D environment using Principles of Animations which executed in 2D animation, an animation will become more interesting, flexible, and attractive as well. I believed that it is quite unique and challenging for me. The main reason that drives me to execute this idea are in fact that it is different and it is an interesting concept altogether.

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