Create a Wonderful and Magical Bond!

Special ways to create that special bond only found between grandparents and grandchildren.

Spoil your grandchildren. It's a grandparent's right and responsibility as well as a grandchild's expectation. Always say hello and goodbye with a hug and a kiss.

Start a collection of interest to a grandchild, such as bells, music boxes, miniature figurines. Then add to it when you travel, holiday time, or when you're shopping together.

Surprise a grandchild with a "just because" gift for no special occasion to arrive by mail even if they live nearby. A coupon for a burger or an ice cream cone from a franchise eatery is easy and appreciated.

Enjoy everyday living when you are togther: wash dishes, fold laundry, rake leaves, or bake cookies. Parents usually see these as chores to be done quickly rather than a learning and sharing experience. You'll be surpised how much a grandchild will enjoy helping with these chores.

Create a book featuring your grandchild as part of the story. It can be handwritten or computer generated. If you can't draw cut pictures from a magazine.

Occasionally send a letter or card that involves an activity. Create a connect the dots using numbers or letters. Make up a crossword puzzle using words that are part of your grandchild's life.

Watch a sunset with your grandchild and listen to their thoughts.

Be sure to offer all grandchildren your verbal "grandparents' seal of approval." Letting them know you think they are terrific at all ages. It is wonderful for their self esteem and offers a great feeling of security in an uncertain world.

Introduce a grandchild to gardening. Plant something together indoors or outside. A single sunflower seed grows quickly, or a sweet potato in water. Keep track of how it grows on each visit.


Ten Reasons for a Grandparent

1. Grandparents always show unconditional love.
2. Who else would even think of boasting about you to a total stranger.
3. Moms don't always respond postitively to "can I have that? Can I? CAN I?"
4. No one else's place is more fun to visit.
5. Hearing neat stories about the good old days without reading a history book.
6. Nobody hugs better.
7. A grandparent always knows when to put down what they are doing and just listen.
8. Grandparents always make sure to have your favorite treat on hand.
9. Granparents know just what you want for special occasions, not what you need.
10. "Over the river and through the woods, to Aunt Mary's house we go" just doesn't have the same ring to it.


What's A Grandmother
a letter from a 3rd Grader

A Grandmother is a lady who has no children of her own. She likes other people's little girls and boys. A Grandfather is a man Grandma. He goes for walks with boys and they talk about fishing and stuff like that.
Grandmothers don't have to do anything except to be there. They are so old they shouldn't play hard or run. It is enough if they drive us to the market where the pretend horse is, and have lots of dimes ready. Or if they take us for walks, they should slow down past things like pretty leaves and caterpillars. They should never say "hurry up." Usually, Grandmothers are fat, but not too fat to tie your shoes. They wear glasses and funny underwear. They can take their teeth and gums off. Grandmothers don't have to be smart, only answer questions like "Why isn't God married?" and "Why do dogs chase cats?" Grandmothers don't talk baby talk like mothers do, because it is hard to understand. When they read to us, they don't skip or mind if it is the same story over again. Everyone should try to have a Grandmothers, especially if they don't have a TV, because they are the only grown ups who have time.


Grandparenting Links

  • Grandparents: Nurturing a Special Bond
  • National Grandparents Day
  • Grandma's Room
  • Grandloving: Grandparenting with Activies and Long Distance Fun
  • Staying close to Long Distance Grandparents
  • Information for Grandparents



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