Our Pets

dog line

Welcome to our Pet Page.

We have had many pets, everything from a horse to a tank full of fish. To highlight a few: the largest was an Appaloosa mare (named Eve), the smallest was a Teddy Bear Hampster (named Speedy). Most unusual was a Black Angus bull (named Ferdinand), he followed me around. My very favorite was my Saint Bernard dog named Clyde. He was my faithful companion for many years. He has passed on to doggy heaven.

Our present pets are a black cat (named Ninja Kitty). He was a stray who adopted me (O.K. so I coaxed him a little). My hubby say's he hopes that a stray elephant never shows up on our deck. The next is a Saint Bernard (named Daisy) who is a descendant of Clyde. Next in line is a Collie-Lab mix that answers to Bubba (well this one really belongs to my son). The lastest addition arrived when he was six weeks old and a mere 12 pounds. He answers to Dofess, that is when he wants to. He is the master of the house and is an Old English Sheep Dog who loves to sit in everyones lap.

It is now September and Dofess is now 8 months old,and weighs 62 pounds. He's still master of the house and still tries to sit in everyones lap, although he doesn't fit to well.

Latest update on Dofess he is now 10 months old and weighs in at 73 pounds. He now knows he is the ruler of the house and sits wherever he wants. He is so devoted he spends a lot of his time laying at my feet by the computer just waiting for me to get off the internet.

January 19. Today is Dofess'es first birthday, he is now a year old. Time surely passes quickly; seeems like it was just the other day that we brought him home. He weighs 80 pounds and hopefully is done growing, as he thinks he is a lap dog. He loves the snow (not like grandma) he runs and rolls in it. Comes in with it packed in his fur, now we spend a lot of time mopping up the floor. We just had a birthday party for him with his own cake ( first time I have baked a cake for a dog). He loved it, didn't even share with anyone.*GRIN* Well he is now full of cake and sleeping peacefully at my feet. Pictures to follow as soon as I get them sent off. I found the recipe for the cake on the internet at Kalgoorlie & Districts German Shepherd Obedience Club Inc- Recipes

Dofess and cake

dog line

Little Puppy

Little puppy, sitting there
In the field midst daisies fair,
Wary-eyed you look at me;
Are you lost...or could it be	
Someone put you in this place
All alone this world to face?

Soon the sun will fade from sight
And the day will turn to night.
You've no drink or food to eat;
Come, I'll take you home with me.
Little things need loving care.
Perhaps that's why God put me here.

Cat Line

Pet Links have moved to catDog
Pet photos located in our Photo Album

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Cat Line


This page lasted updated Wednesday, September 03, 1997 - 9:48 PM

� 1996-97 CyberGrandma