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Natural Healthcare for Your Family

Medical doctors can be helpful in taking care of us and our children when we are sick, but I've come to realize that doctors do not always know best. I urge you: do not blindly follow their advice. Become informed about your options. The following resources can help you to search for yourself and possibly find more natural alternative remedies.

Questions People Ask

Should you vaccinate your baby? Do bad reactions occur very often or are they rare? Whether or not to vaccinate your baby can be a hard decision to make, but since this can be a matter of life and death, it's an important subject to study. Reactions such as seizures and even death do occur. Many people feel that vaccines are a trigger for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Some parents find that their children get sick less after stopping vaccinations. For more information on vaccinations, please check out my Be Informed About Vaccinations page.

Should your child take fluoride supplements? Does this toxic waste really promote healthy teeth? Research these questions and others at "Fluoride Issues" and come to your own conclusions about the safety, dangers, and perceived beneficialness of fluoride. Fluoride Issues

Could chemicals in your environment be making you and your family sick? Visit Gorden and Jackie's Home Page and learn about Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, the health risks of perfume, guidelines for non-toxic living, and more.

Is Aspertame a healthy alternative to sugar? Here's a great place to start your research--Aspertame (NutraSweet) Toxicity Info Center--one of the many resources available on the Holistic Healing Web Page.

Other Great Resources on The Net

Shirley's Wellness Cafe Holistic Health Care for People and Animals. Be sure to check out Pediatric Holistic Health and other Kid's Issues. Many topics are covered such as homeopathy for children and infants; immunization alert! vaccines: are they really safe and effective?; circumcision; success with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity (avoiding ritalin); children with special needs; and much more. Please take time to read the story of Shirley's son Sterling.

Mothers Against Circumcision (MAC) Excellent articles written by Mary G. Ray (founder of MAC) help answer many common questions people have about circumcision such as "Will it hurt my baby?" "What about anesthesia?" "Does an intact penis require special care?" "What if the baby's father is circumcised?" This site also includes references and a large list of links so you can do further research on your own. Be sure to read the article "Where is My Foreskin? The Case Against Circumcision" reprinted from Mothering Magazine.

Healthy Child Reliable, practical information & help for parents. This site has good articles.

HealthWorld Database Search

Holistic Healing Web Page Learn all about holistic healing and alternative medicine.

Ask the Homeopathic Doctor

Mother Nature's General Store Herbal Explanations

"Breastfeeding is the single most important contribution a mother can make toward maximizing the health of her infant. The nutrients and immunoglobins in breast milk will protect the baby from allergies, respiratory ailments, and childhood diseases better than anything else available." What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization, by Jamie Murphy, pg 152.

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