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The Dish barky'n here 06/04/04

AUNTIE*LISA says that ABSOLUTE BEST DOG! KACI, who was born on January 19,2001 (She's FIVE YEARS old right now:0), is tri-colored, and is a "brat", giggle! That's what MY MAMA*D calls me. She *bounches off the walls continuously (whatever THAT means) and then AUNTIE*LISA said "ugh!):0),:0)!

ABSOLUTE BEST "RESCUE" DOG! CONNER is a tan and white speckled colored lab mix. He's approximately two years old (according to his Vet), so his ABD aka Adopted Birthday is when he was *rescued*...August 19, 2001! Poor CONNER had tested positive for heartworms:(, and began treatment as soon as it cooled down a little more. Now guess what? RIGHTOE! CONNER DON'T HAVE ANY OF THOS ABSOLUTE *WORSE* HEART WORMYS NO MORE:)!!!

AUNTIE*LISA went on to say that she begam training CONNER in basic commands and that he did terrifff!!! He's a FAST LEARNER, whereas...there is NO HOPE for KACI as far as training goes,heehee! (That's because she is a BRATSO...betcha!).

KACI & CONNER get along well and play most of the day. Although CONNER is bigger than KACI in size, KACI is the "alpha" dog. Mama*D says that ALL FEMALES are aggressive & the BOSS when it comes to living with a MALE, giggle! She probably has him wrapped around her pawzzzzs and is def the "alpha" says Ms. LISA

AUNTIE*LISA brought them BOTH new toys a while back (couple of years probably:0) because they tore up their other ones and she had to pick up stuffing from all over the yard. Oops, they tore up the NEW TOY so she made hubby MICHAEL pick up the stuffing in the yard, giggle!!

BTW, UNCLE*MICHAEL was on patrol and found CONNER. he'd been dumped from a car in an area that he would frequent from time to time. At first, UNCLE*Michael thought CONNER belonged to one of the nearby houses but after TWO WEEKS, he noticed that CONNER was near starving and called AUNTIE*LISA at work to tell her that CONNER was slowly *starving to death*:(,:(! She told him to "BRING HIM HOME!" Uh, after inspecting the house, CONNER decided he would have it "made in the shade" and decided to STAY, giggle! Ain't that just marvelous?

xOxOxOxO to our FRIENDZZZS...MS. KACI & CONNER...from all of us here in the ABSOLUTE BEST DOG!, et al CLUB!


1996 - 2004

We were so sorry to hear from AUNTIE LISA that her precious little BIRDY FINCH "MONTANA" passed to the Rainbow Bridge 8/27/04. His partner in his cage and friend, CHEYENNE, is going 2 B a very lonely little Finch...sigh! All of the Family will 'miss' MONTANA!! We will be adding MONTANA to our Candle Ceremony Page and you can reach HIS FAMILIES WEBSITE...Wolfkatts Lair by clicking on MONTANA'S picture!!!

We have some more pictures to add of CONNER & KACI taken at the BARK BUSH PARK (or somethang likea that), heehee when Mama*D can FIND THE TIME*US! Uh, we outta put the Kit*Kats COLE, KAYLEIGH & KASSIDY ALL TOGETHER WITH CONNER & KACI! Hmmmmmmmmmm. Lots of work go'n on around here and my PAWZZZS are get'n plum worn out! Ouch! Prezette TISH THE DISH barky'n here!!!

| Mama*D | Tishna | Ling Family |

Holiday Card | Kat*Bobbie Sox | Kaci & Conner | Other Stuff | Groom'n Tips | Kats ColeNKayleighNKassidy

ABD!*Profiles* | Peke "Prince" Shang | PawPrints | Candlelite Ceremony | Poster Kids |

song: Celebration Time!!! :0)

(c) 1998 ~ 2006 ABSOLUTE BEST DOG! All rights reserved. No original graphics or text may be copied or used in any form without permission of the authors or their agents. All pictures used are used by permission of their owners. 1