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Background Images

The <body background> tag allows you to use an image for the background of your Web page. Depending on the size of the browser window, a large image may only appear once, but smaller images will be redrawn as many times as necessary to fill a page, this is known as tiling.

<body background=?> sets the background image

If you write in your HTML:

<BODY BACKGROUND="fish.gif">

It would change the background of the page to a gif of "fish". (Remember you have to upload the gif to your server first!) Then fish will appear in your background as many times as the browser window and the size of your image will allow. If, for instance, it's a small image - say, 20 by 20 pixels - and the page is being viewed in a 480 by 640 browser window, then fish would appear 768 times.

Take care when choosing a background that it does not make the text unreadable. Too dark a background with dark lettering, light background with light text or a background that is just too busy can all be big problems!

Note: Almost all browsers support background images (including Netscape 1.1 and later, and all versions of Internet Explorer). Only older versions of NCSA Mosaic and the AOL browser will turn down your background image.

Background Resources:

My background archive
Includes a color swatch to show you what the background would look like using different color text.
How to make "seamless" backgrounds.
The Backgrounds Archive Designs for background use.
Backgrounds for Us Another good archive of backgrounds.
NCSA Backgrounds Small, simple selection and the basic how to.

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