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Paragraph tags are the most user-friendly of all the HTML tags. Inserted at the beginning of each paragraph, the <p> tag Creates a line break, much like a double space on your word processor. Use it to separate paragraphs just as you would in any other writing. This tag may be used to break a web page up into more easily read sections. There's no need to close off the <p> tag with a </p>; it's implied when you go on to the next tag.

You should try to keep your paragraphs four lines in length, to avoid boring the reader.

The HTML for two plain paragraphs will look something like this:

<p>If I can get the hang of writing in HTML
code I will surprise even myself! The scary
thing is it doesn't look very hard, there must
be a catch.

<p>I suppose I could try, even though I am very
doubtful that it's as easy as it looks. Maybe
I'll start off slow and see what happens. 

They'll appear like this:

If I can get the hang of writing in HTML code I will surprise even myself! The scary thing is it doesn't look very hard, there must be a catch.

I suppose I could try, even though I am very doubtful that it's as easy as it looks. Maybe I'll start off slow and see what happens.

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