Ayy�m-�-Ha Fun

A "Raising Spiritual Children Project" Project

Ayy�m-�-Ha Fun

Decorating Ideas

Paper Chains -- always a fast and easy decoration, make paper chain streamers out of strips of construction paper in your color theme, or out of strips of recycled magazine covers (heavier paper). Cut all of the strips of paper the same width and length, about 1" x 4". Take the first strip and staple or tape it into a circle. Thread the next strip through the link formed by the first and staple or stape that one into a circe to form your next link. Continue adding links until you've reached the desired length of paper chain. Hang them around doorways, artwork and mirrors.

Handprint Banner -- You will need a piece of muslin as large or as small as you want your banner to be; A wooden dowel 2" longer than the width of your banner; Glue or a needle & white thread; fabric or tempra paints; and yarn.

Fold over the top 2" of the muslin to form a "sleeve" for the dowel, and sew or glue down the edge.

Place the child's hand flat down in the paint (paper plates or foil trays are good for this step) and carefully press the hand onto the muslin to form a print. You can make random handprints or a circular "wreath" shape. You might want to choose paints that reflect the many skintones of mankind.

Allow to dry fully. Insert the wooden dowel. To hang, tie each end of a length of yarn to either side of the dowel.

Cookie Share

Let the Bah�'� kids plan an afternoon "Cookie Share Party" for themselves and their school friends.

Have each child bring 1 dozen cookies (homemade or store-bought--doesn't matter--fellowship is the goal here) and an additional dozen cookies for each guest they invite from their school.

Have the adults in charge provide a light lunch and beverages and plan some fun party games (Try the "Throw Out a Word Game").

You will also need a roll of plastic wrap, and enough heavy-duty paper or plastic dinner plates for each child to carry their cookies home.

While the children are eating their lunch and playing, the adults should equally divide up all the cookies onto the plates for the children to take home at the end of the party. The adults might wish to add some small candies or other party favors to the plates before wrapping them in the plastic wrap. In any case, make sure to tape a card or in some way label each plate with the child's name to avoid last minute confusion as to whose cookies are whose.

Throw Out a Word Game

This is an easy-going sharing game, good for a quieter moment during your party or event. Have everyone sit in a circle. Randomly pick someone to start. They should be told to "Throw Out a Word, Any Word!" Then the person to their right must think of a personal story, memory, or ancedote inspired by that word. Remember: Everyone has a story to tell, no matter how silly or insignificant it might seem. (Game idea adapted from Family Circle magazine 6/25/96)

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