Group Presentation of Photographic Slides

An "Exciting Occasions" Project

This activity is suitable for a Holy Day or other special occasion where a group of people are gathered that do or do not know each other well.

A bowl is passed around which were contains quotations printed on separate pieces of colored paper. Everyone chooses one quotation without looking at it first.

Next a selection of photographic slides is made available for viewing by hand. Each participant looks through the slides to find one that illustrates the quotation. After ten minutes or so, the room is darkened and the slides are shown. As each selected slide appears on the screen the person who selected it reads their quotation aloud.

After the initial presentation, the slides are shown again and each person is invited to tell why they chose that image, and what it meant to them.

[This activity was submitted by Gina Devlin, British Columbia, Canada, she said, "There were a few wet hankies at that one!"]

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