A Spiritual Baby Shower

An Exciting Occasions Project

"It is incumbent upon you to train the children from their earliest babyhood!... It is incumbent upon you to attend to them under all aspects and circumstances, inasmuch as God - glorified and exalted is He! - hath ordained mothers to be the primary trainers of children and infants. This is a great and important affair and a high and exalted position, and it is not allowable to slacken therein at all!" --Abdu'l-Bah� (Tablets of Abdu'l-Bah�, Vol. III, p. 606)

  1. A Spiritual Baby Shower

  2. My friend has given me permission to post a description of a beautiful baby shower that was recently held in her honor. (I have taken the liberty of changing the names in order to protect the privacy of the participants.)

    "Before-hand, my friend Patty had bought a whole bunch of beautiful glass beads in the shades of color that I like to wear, mainly blues, purples and greens. There was a whole bowl full of them and as the women arrived they were asked to choose some beads that they liked and string them on a necklace for me. Each woman added a few beads until it was long enough for a necklace. (Patty had the special cord and fasteners for making the necklace there.) This was done as everyone was mingling around and talking.

    When we sat down, the Hostess asked everyone to introduce themselves and tell how they were connected to me. There were friends of mine there from different areas of my life who had never met before and it was really nice to have them meet each other.

    The Hostess played some beautiful instrumental music (all the music was performed by women) to get us into the right atmosphere of prayer and meditation. The room was decorated with little white Christmas tree lights instead of streamers and their soft light produced a warm, gentle glow.

    After the song, Sarah had prepared some prayer cards of specially selected Bah�'� prayers and placed them in a little basket that looked like a bassinet. The basket was passed around and the ladies were encouraged to choose a card and read a prayer. I read the prayer for expectant mothers "I dedicate that which is in my womb unto Thee".

    Afterwards, they let me open one present which was a beautiful receiving blanket. They passed the receiving blanket, and then the beaded necklace that everyone had made for me, around the circle one by one and they each said a little silent prayer and thought about the baby and me while beautiful music played in the background. (I had a sonogram picture of the baby with me and I put that in the blanket too as it was passed around.) The blanket and necklace eventually came to me at the end of the circle and are now very treasured possessions of mine.

    Next a beautiful "woman power" kind of song was played. It was really touching, and when it ended the women gave me advice and talked about "life" for a few minutes.

    Then we loosened up! After hearing all that advice, they played a silly song about kids growing up and they blew bubbles at me (since my nickname for the baby was "bubbles" until I knew she was a girl). It was very funny.

    Then I opened the gifts and wore the silly hat made out of ribbons like you do at all the normal parties. It was a lot of fun but more importantly to me, it was very "grounding". I felt as though I had gone into a cave and was surrounded by elder, wise women who were there to help me with my next "rite of passage" in this world.

    I don't imagine that everyone would be suited for this type of experience and the Hostess and I had consulted about the type of party I wanted to have before I made the invitation list. I invited women that I thought would enjoy this kind of experience and be open to it. (I don't think my conservative, 79 year old Aunt would have been very comfortable, for example)

    It was a wonderful gathering and I highly recommend this type of healing, strengthening experience for every woman that is going through a major life changing event.

    It was exactly what I needed."

  3. Shower Paper "Quilt"

  4. Shower Paper Quilt

    Created by Michelle Gillette

    Michelle used the wrapping paper from the shower gifts to make "quilt triangles" then pieced it together using the lightest papers on the edges working the darker papers to the middle. She then edged with solid colored paper and punched bows to give it a "tied off" look. The wrapping paper is not acid free but the page it was adhered to is buffered and it's covered with a sleeve.

    On it's own this would make a nice gift for the mother-to-be, but you could also create a scrapbook page of photos from the shower to go along with it.

  5. More Baby Shower Games

  6. Here are some fun shower games from Lynne & Lisa

      Have guests unscramble the words. The one that gets the most correct gets a prize

    1. tlraet (rattle)
    2. ieapdrs (diapers)
    3. gihh hriac (high chair)
    4. lbteot (bottle)
    5. icbr (crib)
    6. losrrelt (stroller)
    7. acderl ymg (cradle gym)
    8. zipaorvre (vaporizer)
    9. naeplpy (playpen)
    10. ytso (toys)


      Feel free to update this game with a few more current names.
    1. Fred & Wilma Flintstone (Pebbles)
    2. Tarzan & Jane (Boy)
    3. Ben Cartwright (Adam, Hoss, Little Joe)
    4. George & Louise Jefferson (Lionel)
    5. Betty & Barney Rubble (Bam Bam)
    6. Popeye & Olive Oyl (Sweet Pea)
    7. Donald Duck (Huey, Duey, Luey)
    8. Ozzie & Harriet Nelson (Ricky, David)
    9. June & Ward Cleaver (Beaver, Wally)
    10. Alice & Henry Mitchell (Dennis the Menace)
    11. Jimmy & Roslyn Carter (Amy)
    12. Howard & Marian Cunningham (Richie, Joanie)
    13. Lucy & Desi Arnaz (Lucy, Desi)
    14. Mr. & Mrs. Kent (Clark)
    15. Daddy Warbucks (Little Orphan Annie)

    Find a VERY small baby doll, about 1". (I've seen them at places that carry wedding decor and shower supplies.) Put it in an ice cube tray, pour water in and freeze. On day of shower tie a string around ice cube and hang over a bowl (to catch the drips). Tie the string around the ice cube so that the baby will fall into the bowl when the ice around it had melted enough. If it isn't melting fast enough, put a fan on it to speed things up (induce labor!!) LOL. Have guests guess what time the baby will drop.

    Fill a baby bottle with a baby bottle with those fancy gourmet jelly beans, half pink, half blue, (or M&M's candies.) Have guests guess how many are in the bottle. Person closest without going over wins a prize.

    Okay, try this game only is the mother to be is in good spirits about being BIG! Pass around a ball of string and scissors, have each person cut the amount of string they think it will take to go around Mom's stomach. (I usually only cut about an inch if it's a close friend!)

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