Ayyam-i-Ha Excitement

An Exciting Occasions Project

"My God, my Fire and my Light! The days which Thou hast named the Ayyám-I-Há (the Days of Há, Intercalary days) in Thy Book have begun, O Thou Who art the King of names, and the fast which Thy most exalted Pen hath enjoined unto all who are in the kingdom of Thy creation to observe is approaching. I entreat Thee, O my Lord, by these days and by all such as have during that period clung to the cord of Thy commandments, and laid hold on the handle of Thy precepts, to grant that unto every soul may be assigned a place within the precincts of Thy court, and a seat at the revelation of the splendors of the light of Thy countenance." --Bahá'u'lláh (Prayers and Meditations, pp. 65-66)

Ayyam-i-Ha Excitement: More Celebration and Gift Ideas (that have worked for me)

Here are some more ideas for gifts and quotes that can be given each day of Ayyam-i-Ha.

* First Day:
* quote on cardstock: Manifestation of God is a compass
* plastic compass and candy in gift bags with tissue paper


"The Manifestation of God describes the reality which is conducive to the happiness, health and development of mankind. His Teachings serve as a compass to help us find our way in the new world. They outline not only what is good for mankind but also the steps to be taken to secure individual freedom and well-being." --on behalf of the Universal House of Justice, August 30, 1984

* Second Day:
* quote from the Writings on cardstock
* geode wrapped in tissue paper and tucked into a mini galvanized pail (remember to include breaking instructions – some people have never seen a geode before)

geode pail and tag

"The Purpose of the one true God, exalted be His glory, in revealing Himself unto men is to lay bare those gems that lie hidden within the mine of their true and inmost selves. " --Bahá'u'lláh, Gleanings p. 287

wrapped journal

* Third Day:
* Quote about keeping a Journal from Abdu'l-Bahá (which I folded and placed inside journal before wrapping.)
* Small Journal wrapped and tied with ribbon – I wrapped my journals in the quote blown up onto 11 x 17 paper.
* Sticker label (optional) for use in or on book
* Inspirational Bookmark (I chose one that was being sold to raise money for the Summer School Scholarship Fund - it reads "ACT, Act Now, and Continue to Act"

Fasting Journal Cover
* Last Day:
* Fasting Journal
A Fasting Journal is a small booklet with a page for each of the 19 days of the fast. Each page has a selection from the writings, the date, the day of the week, a space to record personal thoughts and ideas that come to you during this time, and the local sunrise and sunset times. To create one for your family or local community you will need to: gather local sunrise/sunset times (here's an online source); find a suitable image or graphic for the journal's front page (if you will be printing in black and white choose simple bold images); select an overall theme for the quotes, and locate 19-20 small selections of text that match this theme; assemble your journals as you wish and add ribbon along spine.

Fasting Journal Pages

Other daily gift themes I’ve used:

* Mug as Container:
* coffee mugs with the word “UNITY” and a nine pointed star logo were specially made by a local Baha’i family as a fundraising item. I bought one for each office member and filled them each with the following:
* a holographic pencil
* a Post-It Pad with “Happy Ayyam-i-Ha” stamped on the top sheet.
* a few chocolate candies
* prayer/quote: about "Ayyam-i-Ha"
* and blue shredded paper for fill
I wrapped each cup and contents with clear cellophane paper and tied it shut with a bright-colored curly ribbon bow. I also attached a “Happy Ayyam-i-Ha” pin-backed button to the middle of the ribbon bow. The buttons were made with a button maker.

* Votive Candle in Crystal Base:
* Small white votive candle in crystal base was wrapped with decorated tissue paper & gold curling ribbon
* A short quote referring to being as a candle was printed onto business card stock, punched with a hole at the top and laced through the ribbon bow.

tag with quote for candle

"O thou candle of the Love of God! I ask God to grant thee by His favor and grace that which is thy utmost desire; that the closed doors become opened, the uneven roads become even, thy face shine by the love of God, thy sight become brighter by witnessing the signs of God; that thou mayest attain spiritual joy, eternal happiness and heavenly life." --Abdu'l-Bahá, Tablets p. 129-130

Other Quick Gift Ideas:

Reuse Greeting Cards

* Bookmark: Take an attractive card that you have received and create a bookmark from it. Choose a central motif and carefully cut it out, or if the design is abstract, cut the card vertically into 1-1/2-2" strips. Punch a hole in the top or bottom of the bookmark, and tie ona 4-6" length of 1/6"-1/4"-wide ribbon.

* Framed Sentiment: With decorative-edged scissors, cut out the greeting (text) portion of a message you find inspiring. Make a bookmark from it by punching a hole and tying on a ribbon (as described above), or frame it: attach it to a lightwieght board or heavy paper in a coordinating color, leave at least a inch or two all around it. You can then frame this as is, or decorate around the quote with stickers, rubber stamp impressions, etc.

Reuse Gift Bags

* Flower Arrangements: Using a rectangular gift bag (the kind with handles) find a lightweight plastic container that will fit down inside the bag. Take the container back out of the bag and cut and trim a piece of floral foam to fit inside the container. Soak the foam in water, place it back into the container, place the container into the bag. Cut the stems of your flowers at a slight angle and insert into the foam. If you'd like to, decorate your bag with an additional ribbon bow tied to one of the handles.

* Quick Inspirations!

Create a big bowl or jar of inspirational quotes and messages to greet your guests when they enter your home or office. Choose a theme or just print out random quotes on brightly colored paper. Trim and decorate as desired, fortune cookie style in strips, or print on business card stock and fold in half.

And remember it's very easy to host an Ayyam-i-Ha Potluck Party! Each guest is asked to bring an entrée or side dish, and you provide a place to eat, paper plates, plastic utensils, and dessert!

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* Custom Candy Creations This company will print customized wrappers on candy bars. Great for Ayyam-i-Ha or Birthday or other special event in your community.

* Boardman's Party Ideas Party themes, links, ideas, books, and a newsletter.

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