Setting a Goal

A "Journeys through Writing" Project

Many people feel that by writing down an affirmation it becomes a stronger influence upon us. With this in mind, and as we begin another year, I would like to share a "goal writing" exercise with you.


You will need a new notebook. Choose one that appeals to you, but it need not be large or expensive. Actually, any clean pad of paper will do, but a notebook with a cover is more appropriate (and private.) You will also need a comfortable writing instrument: your favorite pen or pencil--or be bold and use a variety of colored marking pens.

Choosing Your Goal

Clear your mind. Next, try to choose one goal out of all the things you want to acheive in life. This could be any kind of goal--health, relationship, financial, whatever. Concentrate on positive goals, not problems. Say to yourself, "I want to travel," rather than, "I never go anywhere interesting."

Writing Your Goal

Now that you have a goal in mind, write it down in your notebook. Write it down in present tense! You see, its already happened and you need to remind yourself that it has. This is how the process works. Begin with the words, "I have" or "I am" and keep your goal to about two sentences. Make sure that you include the word "happy" so that whatever happens you will be happy about it. And, include a fuzzy deadline (but not over three months, even if that seems like a short time.) At the end of your affrimation write, "This or something better comes to me now." An example of a finished goal would be:

I am traveling to new and exciting places. In the next three months I am very happy seeing new places and meeting new people. This or something better comes to me now.

Daily Affirmation Process

Do not tell anyone your goal until you have realized it. Hold the goal close to yourself, do not share it yet. Every morning and every evening: 1. write the completed goal/affirmation in your notebook on a fresh page; 2. sign your name below it; 3. underline your signature; 4. decorate the page with borders and doodles as you re-read the affirmation several more times; 5. then close the book and know that your goal is already realized.


Write your goal/affirmation on an index card and carry it in your wallet. Whenever you feel any doubt, pull out the card and read it to your self. In your mind, repeat your goal over and over to yourself during the day. This works, it really does!

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"Affirmations are like prescriptions for certain aspects of yourself you want to change."
--Jerry Frankhauser (The Power of Affirmations)

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