EagleBear's Den Aerie

Toronto Page

Toronto bills itself as a "World-Class City" which makes some wonder, "If you need to say it...." Toronto does have world-class theatre (Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Les Mis) and lots of shopping, but the title does seem a little high-and-mighty for "Hogtown" or the former "muddy York".

It is, however, a gay Mecca for Eastern Canada (as Vancouver is for the West). The '96 Pride Parade attracted an estimated 700,000 spectators, with maybe half classed as tourists. This year, I marched (for the first time) with Interweave, the Unitarian Trans/Les/Bi/Gay group. It's amazing how good it felt to get applause just for walking in support of my own group.

There are five Unitarian Congregations in the Toronto area:

South Peel may not be outside of Toronto for long. The Provincial government wants to create a "megacity" of over 2.3 million out of Metro Toronto (sort of like combining New York City's boroughs. The next step may be to make an even larger municipality of 4 million out of Metro and the surrounding municipalities (sort of like combining New York City with all of New Jersey, Conneticut and southern New York State). Some downtown Toronto residents worry that their neighbourhoods (like Cabbagetown or the Gay village) will suffer greatly under the amalgamation. Suburban voters don't see downtown Toronto as a series of neighbourhoods, just as an expensive, dangerous, run-down whole (or sometimes hole) filled with panhandlers, street people and "fringe elements" (like queers). Until, of course, they want to go to the theatre, a summer festival, the Royal Ontario Museum, buy something unique or dine in style. I am hopeful that the Downtown will survive.

And folks, it's happened. April 22nd, the government forced the bill through and got Royal Assent. All of Metro will now become one BIG city. Some people just don't understand..no means no.

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E-mail La Fabula Travel and Tours
The Toolbox (Toronto)
The Black Eagle (Toronto)
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Doc's Leathers
The Barracks
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