Hormone factory labels:

Premarin (R) and similar conjugated oral estrogens.

Premarin Consumer Warning!

Please ask your doctors to prescribe ANYTHING other than Premarin (R) or simalar conjugated estrogens derived from pregnant mares' urine!

An excerpt from Habitat for Horses website:
Another large sector of our horse population is used in the production
of "Premarin" (pregnant mare urine). While its use is
debatable, the method used for the collection of pregnant mare urine is deplorable. Pregnant mares are made to stand for months at a time with very little water (giving a stronger product). After giving birth they are bred again and their foals sold to the slaughterhouse. This cycle is repeated again and again until the horse becomes worn out, unable to continue standing. Her reward? Her own trip to the slaughterhouse.

Provera and medroxyprogesterone

Diane (R) in Spanish!

Diane-35 in Deutsch! (that's German for the non-Europeans)

Proscar, a mild anti-androgen

Send scanned jpgs or tiffs of any hormone factory labels to me for adding to the list!

And please, I understand how these links go down so very very fast. I have ceased my personal search for drug info, so I am relying on you to help me maintain this site with new information. Email me stuff!

some miscellaneous links...

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, a searchable database.

Climera (R) estradiol patch.
The Internet Drug Index, search for any drug.
Estrogens, taken from the Pill Book, 6th Edition.
Androcur, Androcur 100, Diane 35.
general info on conjugatedestrogens.
Info on the use of Pregnant Mare's Urine, the major originating form of Premarin.
Info on Natural Hormones, as opposed to synthetic hormones.
Be sure to read the Hormone FAQ.

A growing, searchable database of various trans-doctors.

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