TS Menace So Cal


[WASHINGTON, DC : 20 Oct 00] GENDERPAC TODAY announced it's first National Conference on Gender (NCG)for May 18-20, 2001. The conference features three days of workshops, panels, and plenaries on topics ranging from genderqueer youth, women's rights,and gender in new cinema to job discrimination,new developments in gender law, and gender and racism.

The Conference includes a special GenderYouth Institute Saturday, May 19th, and closes with the beginning of GenderPAC's 6th National Gender Lobbying Day, Monday May 21st. Both events will be at the prestigious Washington Court Hotel, right off Washington DC's Capitol Hill.

Declared GenderPAC's new Managing Director, Gina Reiss, "Today we're witnessing an explosion in gender rights: every day brings new media stories, laws, movies, legal judgments, gender theories and social events. But there's been no one conference dedicated to gender rights and gender politics. Now there is -- the National Conference on Gender."

Continued Executive Director Riki Wilchins,"This is an event to bring us together -- queer youth, gay activists, feminists, transgender people, and gender rights activists: everyone who believes that gender -- how we look, act or dress, our physical sex or who we love -- should be a basic civil right."

Information coming to our website soon at www.gpac.org.


Email to [email protected] or send to GenderPAC at 1638 R Street, NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20009. Call for more information: 202-462-6610.

For more info on TS Menace, SoCal IE, write to Beth.

More about The Transexual Menace International.

Queer Resources in the Inland Empire:
The OuterSider magazine
Inland Empire Queers
the leather scene in the inland empire

Other Transgender and Transsexual Resources, including the RainbowQuery.

Recomended Reading: Gender Shock, by Phyllis Burke; Im/partial Science, by Bonnie Spannier; Male and Female, by Margaret Mead; Gender Outlaw, by Kate Bornstein, which includes the text to Hidden: A Gender; The Myth of Transgression, by Jamake Highwater

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