Bayside Bare Boys

Welcome to the BBB Home Page!

A Group of Gay Men from the South Bay Area Who Enjoy Male Nudity

On this Page:

About the Bayside Bare Boys | Membership Requirements

On Other Pages:

Guidelines | Events | Links | Contact

About the Boys...

We are an informal group of gay and gay-friendly men located in the South Bay Area (San Francisco to Carmel) interested in socializing in the nude. We try to have events at least once a month, including evening potlucks held at a member's home, afternoon pool parties, or organized trips to local clothing-optional beaches. We also hold special events, including weekend trips to West Coast nudist resorts and retreats, week-long trips to exotic locations, special gatherings at gay-friendly restaraunts and bars, and day hikes "au naturel" in local wilderness areas.

Bayside Bare Boys does not discriminate on the basis of age, profession or appearance. Our number one rule is "leave your attitude at the door!" If you are personable and enjoy being nude with other men, this club is for you.

At one time, the club published a monthly BBB Nudesletter, but we now send information about upcoming events by e-mail only.

Membership Requirements

To be added to our e-mail distribution list, please contact Joe: -- Please include your full name, and mention your background and interests, such as any previous experience with nude groups, or any existing BBB members that you've talked to.

1. Members must agree with the BBB Guidelines.

2. Members must be age 18 or older (and, when alcohol is present at events, be 21 or older before partaking).

3. Anyone not meeting the standards of social responsibility and compatible personality should be brought to the attention of the host or the steering committee, and may be asked to leave.

4. The Bayside Bare Boys is no longer collecting dues. Instead of annual dues, members are encouraged to donate $5 per event if they can afford it.

Home - Membership | Guidelines | Events - Links - Contact

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