CD Lover: Rants about Cut Off Heads\
Cut-Off Heads
Ah, i have recieved some complaints about cut off heads, and this is my response to those people and any more who may have the same inquiries.

yes, this site does contain cut-off heads.. yse, i know to some it may be found as distasteful or even annoying, but there are here and are now marked as so, to "warn" people of their presence. i do accept pictures with cut off heads and display them as prominantly as those whose lovely face chooses to grace us. It is a choice, i see, for whatever reason the person has chosen not to reveal their face and that is their own business, and i will respect their wishes. They are just as lovely, and i hope you do respect their wishes as well.

You don't have to listen just to my opinions... give me some of your own

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