teen cds and those who love them

those of you out there, the teenages who find themselves daydreaming about feminine clothes, dream about wearing them, those of you who find themselves "borrowing" feminine clothes, sneaking them, hiding them, and enjoying every minute of it. those of you who feel guilty, sinful, embarrassed, ashame, frightened. To those of you, my heart goes out to you. i understand just as much as i can without experiencing.

You are just beginning to explore your sexuality, your own self. At a time when the human being goes through confusion, frustration, the process of beginning to know who they are, the teenage years, a horrible horrible time for us all, you're dealt with something that is "different" in the face of where everybody's trying not to draw any negative attention, trying to be the hypothetical normal.

If you're here now, you've turned to the internet to help you figure this all out, because frankly "people just don't speak of this sort of thing." or you've already figured it out enough to satisfy you, and if that's the case, i applaud you. Maybe you're a child whose mother or sister or somebody dressed you up when you were little and now live this way. 10% of children under the age of 12 born male live either full time or part time as a girl, you know. in which case, i'd like to talk to your mother for my own future reference.

Or maybe you're like me. Maybe you're a teen who enjoys crosdressers. believes them to beautiful people. or your brave boyfriend has shared this side of him with you.

yet for whatever your background for being here, i welcome you all. i try to understand, and yes, i welcome you all.

for the teen cd
and those who love them
"I was a teen CD"
links for teens

CD Luver Rants about Age

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