for the teen cd
for the teen cd

first, may i applaud you all for being perceptive enough about your own self to know that you have this inclination.

a common question is, where do i go from here? what is my life going to be like with me like this? Can i lead a normal life? my response is to simply talk to those many many many cd/tvs that have made their life special. my response is, who in the world knows that the future has in store, especially at our age. Nobody said life was easy hun. my response is, what is normal? I say, forget the hypothetical normal. My dears, live for happiness!

My dears, live for happiness. You do not have to share such intimacies about yourself with anyone else. You could be happy, you will be happy if you wish to be. Happiness, although is hard for everybody to achieve, yet give yourself a chance to achieve it. i hope you know that there are people out there who love you despite what you wear, or even for what you wear. Do you believe in true love? Do you believe in dreams? Do you believe in happiness?

If you are still discouraged, depressed at times, i urge you not to be. We are young, my dears, teenagers. Our eyes are not crystal balls nor our hears instant pudding. Waiting for your time for happiness is well worth it. Well worth it.

For most teen CDers, this time, this time of freedom comes with leaving the house. Graducation, college, life. It will be a wonderful time for you. You'll have your own place in which to do what you wish. you'll have money to buy what you wish. with freedom, comes privacy. with freedom, comes happiness. i wish you well. :)

but until then? Until then, don't be miserable. be hopeful. How will you live without indulging? I encourage you to indulge (i may be a bit bias on this one though ::grins::). i say, it is common to "borrow" clothes. i say that if you can, buy your own (goodness, we all know that catalogs require credit cards which you don't have). Nerve-wracking? of course. but you have nothing to fear (unless someone you know is working). My dear, you are a customer. and who cares what they think?

They may think you're a pervert, you say? You say they might KNOW. My dears, first of all, things may seem more obvious when you're thinking about them. Like knowing the end of a movie that you've already seen. You may think you're being obvious, but you're not. Second, i say, you should know that you're not a pervert. or shall i say, you're not a pervert by the negative view society makes it to seem.

i say, come to terms with the fact that crossdressing is not our society's "accepted course". A lot of things in today's society deviates from the hypothetical "accepted course". i say, live to your own course, your own standards. You are not the norm, no, but you are better than the norm. you are beautiful, true to yourself. And i envy you all :)

Society has come to label things tha by history and by habit have come to be wrong. Is crossdressing a sin? Well, my friend Ruth (maidelah) can explain it much better than i. Yet why live by the rules of a society that won't have you as a member? (to screw up a famous quote by a famous person whose name eludes me)

i ask you to love yourself... for it is the pattern for cds who don't love themselves and feel guilty about themselves to purge several times later in life... meaning that they will throw out all the feminine attire that they have, in hopes it will make them "normal"... but how can it do that? you are who you are, and you should love yourself for it, you should know that there's nothing wrong about it... and the pain you give yourself can only hurt if you let it...

If you have read this far, i applaud you.

::le sigh:: i applaud you. i am sure that there is a CDer in my school somewhere. the statistics say 1 in 20, don't you know. and chances are, there's a CD friendly person in your school as well. you are never alone. if you ever feel that way, know that i am here.

i welcome you all.

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