and the ones who love them...
and those who love them

So, you like crossdressers? i don't blame you at all. (if you do, go here. Absolutely beautiful, aren't they? In my opinion, absolutely sexy. Or maye your boyfriend decided to share this part of himself with you. Or did you find out accidentally?

CDers like all people need support, and you, being the one they confide in, are very important. Some reality in an unstable time. Think about it, how hard it was for him to tell you something so intimate. How he has dealed with it within himself. And to tell somebody, at this age, takes a lot of courage. a lot of trust.

In today's complex teenage dating world, it is easy to be caught in a situation where judgement is thin. i ask of you to respect your boyfriend's privacy, and respect it even after a break up.

If or when you break up, hopefully it is not becaus eof the crossdressing. i ask you both not to center your relationship around it. Soon, he may become dependant on you, and you may feel yourself having a guilt trip when a breakup does come. (as with all teenage relationship, i always say the same thing, only One relation will last you the rest of your life. every one before it will end. And endings aren't always happy. The trick is to make yourself happy during those relationships and even when single. My point: only One relationship will last. you've both got long lives ahead of you.) Break ups are never fun, and i bid you not to throw it in his face. You may be bitter, but That is unexcusable.

Yet may i speak now of things less saddening?

There is a chance you fancied CDers before. Yet a larger chance you hadn't even thought of it prior to your present situation. Eithor or, you can learn to accept it and even enjoy it. besides, you wouldn't be here if you didn't care enough to read up on it. With that, i applaud you. Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you, to have found you and formed such a trust so early in your lives.

What? your life as a teenager is chaotic as is right now, and now This? Life is chaotic, my dear. You do not have to let this into you both and overwhelm you. You dont have to witness it (yet for the world of me i can't see why). You are only expected to be there for him. to listen to him and not to validate his fears.

What i am saying is that, the fact that your boyfriend owns a pair of panties is no difficult that that legion of Baywatch babes overpowering a lot of teenage boyfriend's rooms. Or maybe no differeng than a guy's preference of cool looking boxers to the traditional whitey tightey briefs.

Look on the bright side, dear. Now you know that he Really trusts you. And you can enhance your wardrobe! And you are now more enlightened. And hey, it couldn't hurt, right?

now speaking to those who are teenagers and do fancy crossdressers. i say to you, that's cool. ::grins:: hey, i can't say much of anything else, can i? well, i don't blame you one bit for liking CDs, i love themm, personally. And actually have gotten a few odd looks for saying so. A lot of people do not fancy these girls, but i do and i believe that to be the only thing that matters. Just how some people say they like brunettes, or guys with glasses, i just happen to like guys in women's apparal. And if you agree with me, then you should in fact contact me for i know none that shares the same passion as i.

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