A message from Marie
Message from Marie
March 10, 1999

A time has passed, quite a time, and this site has been bounced around just about everywhere. The problems with my snooping father is still ongoing, however, it has been way too long and i feared losing this site altogether, so, here it is, once again. i take a risk, of course, but, that's me. So, here's what's been happening:

I had to first hide my site, then i tried to move it, and because of my dear friend and c-mom Lady Heather O'Brien who opted to help me move this site, among many other people, whom i all thank so very much. After it was moved, slightly, to about numerous other places by numerous other people it found itself back on geocities, and lost to my knowledge ::laughter:: yes, it was confusing, but it was lost, and i eventually found it. And here it is, once again. for all of your enjoyment. The My Daughter section will no longer be updated, very unfortunately. I am more than ever going to need more people to submit things in, and i'm little by little going to try to contact all who have tried to contact me through this site. Again, i say, kisses, curtsies, and enjoy.

November 8, 1998

Yes, my dears, i am back. I don't know for how long or anything, but wow, things have really been happening in my life. I'm going to try to start updating my site once again. Before i left, i left the wrong email address, so i'm sure i've got tons of mail laying around somewhere. I'm going to need a lot of help getting everything back up. And i'm going to have to add a lot more thoughts and things to all sorts of parts on my site. Things have been better, and several things have been happening in regards to cds in my life, which is a great thing :-) i'll write more later. Kisses.

September 14, 1998

the inevitable has happened, my dears, my father found my website. This is utterly terrible and devastating news. I have no privacy whatsoever anymore. I make no promises that i will be back... it might come down to get rid of this site or have no computer anymore... i dont see why he does this to me, i'm doing so well in school, i don't get in his way, and i have cut off all my social life so i can conform to whatever view he holds for me to be. 3 years, my dears, 3 years and i'll be free... hopefully to pursue whatever my heart desires... in other news, being that i'm very open with my love for cds, getting into conversations about it needless to say, very frequently, i found one! ::giggles:: a very sincere one too, it's cool. and also, i'm starting the GSA at my school... GSA=gay straight alliance, a place for all to speak of GLBT concerning issues... it was started last year by an old gay friend of mine, who has since graduated and the 'club' dropped, and of course i come to save it... so i guess if i am not online, i can still do my part with the community around me.. i love you my dears

September 11, 1998

ah, yes, this is lovely once again! i did not have everything taken away from me like i suspected would happen... this is just incredibly wonderful! But unfortunately i dont have my juno addresses anymore, so wherever it says to email me there... dont email me there... instead [email protected]"... wel, i have added many things recently, because i've found that the gallery is the most popular place on my site ::giggles::... and more will be coming soon my dears...

September 2, 1998

hello my dears, this is goodbye for a very long time... my father went snooping on me and found some unerased emails and pics and other things in regards to cds, and he wasn't very pleased... so my email is taken away and so is my internet access... this begins very soon... and i'm devastated... if you've seen this site, you know how much it means to me, and how much you all mean to me... it breaks my heart... the other day, a teen cd friend of mine told me that he couldn't feel as good about himself that he does now if it weren't for me, and that it meant so much to him that he met a female that supports him. it means so much to me that my friend said that to me. i love you all, my dears, i really do.

August 21, 1998

Hello all, if you are a regular to my site, you may have noticed that i update this site every day. I do work so hard to make this site what it is, and hopefully it is good. But recently it hasn't been as so. I have been spending my time getting ready for my school which starts on Tuesday. (yes, yes, i'm shopping for clothes like mad! it's great fun)... so my appearance and updates here may be a bit sporadic from now on. (i am determined to bring myself up from the horror i suffered last year, academically) but make no doubt about it, this site will still be updated with much enthusiasm as before! Also contributing to my new loss in online time is the SHHH threats on the sub base i live by SHHHH that i can neither confirm or deny.

also something else i would like to talk about is that not many here fill in forms and whatnot that i have set up. I am not bitter at all, i just want to encourage more of you to do so... ::smyles:: i feel happy when i think that there are people who are actually reading this little bitty site of mine. I accept criticism well also dears.

but for now, i must be leaving you... i will talk to you all soon... feel free to email me.

August 22, 1998

Ah, just a little thing to say. This site was begun on July 21, 1998, but it was Officially started on July 28, 1998... being that when i joined webrings and advertised and the 28th of each month being my lucky day... This site has been up for almost a month now :;smyles:: and i'm glad at where it's been...

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