Wives and Girlfriends

15 Things to do with your EnFemme Man
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Being married to a cd/tv or even being in a relationship with one is very difficult. Every relationship is difficult, mind you, but one cannot run to their friends for advice in this situation. Dressing is a very personal thing for many people, extremely personal, and that should be respected, although if he has confided this to you, i am sure he trusts you with it. Remember that he loves you and trusts you.

As i said, you cannot run to your friends for advice in this one, dear. If you have issues or anything regarding his dressing, you must confront him about it. (with tact, mind you). Besides, in all relationships, one must not keep problems undealt with. Yet it is important for your partner to know your concerns and your opinions. Of course he wants you to be supportive of his dressing, but he loves you and does not want to make you feel unsure or uncomfortable about it. Talking about it can open the door for ways to make you more comfortable with it, and also stregnthen your relationship. Relationships are also about a little give and take, so possibly bring up the option of only dressing at certain times or other arrangements.

Many wives and girlfriends complain that their partner takes on a whole different personality while en femme, that the 'girl' they are with is simply not the man that they married. It is important to understand, my dears, that your partner is expressing another part of themselves whlie en femme, a part of them that in the past they have supressed and indulged in, but now feel so wonderful that they can share it with you. That en femme side may or may not have a different name, but i assure you that under that female illusion that your partner loves so much, is the man you married, and he is still there with you and loving you all the same. You must find a way to have that link together, so that you can know that the person your with is the one whom you love.

Another subject that comes up is "am i not feminine enough for him?" and i tell you, that has nothing to do with your partner's dressing! and you should put that thought our of your mind for it surely is stemmed from your own self-consciousness. Understand that your partner dressed before he met you and that it is just a part of him as the softness of his hair or his eyes, or the thoughtful way he opens doors for you, or the fact that he loves the ocean... and as that had been a part of him, his dressing is a part of him as well. It is nothing you did or didn't do. But what you did is you did love him, and you did get him to love and trust you, and in turn he shared with you an important and rarely seen part of himself.

Being in a relationship with a cd/tv could be great fun! You not only have the man you love, but also now a girl friend who you know will be completely honest about your new shade of lipstick. Shopping with your partner then becomes more interesting (and more frequent), your partner and yourself would just have a ball! By helping your partner fully explore their feminine side, both of you can learn more about yourselves and each other, and recieve benefits of a fulfilling and nurturing relationship. Going to support groups is a great way to achieve this. Also, a fun thing to do is dres up your partner and go to a transgender friendly place like a club, or even to get a makeover together. Interesting things happen to interesting people.

And in conclustion, i say that you are a special lady, and so are your partners, for surely you are here to learn more about what your partner loves. They must love you and all they ask is understanding and support. This is a wonderful thing, and i wish everybody happy relationships and fun filled days.

Goodness knows i'd love to be in your shoes.

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