Melodie Ann's Dresser
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Who is Melodie? She someone very much like you. She goes to work each day (as a male), goes home each night, eats and sleeps just like you do! But she wants more out of life! Why do just girls get to wear all the pretty clothes? Is it really so bad that a male wants pretty things other then everyday blue jeans? I can't tell you really why I like to dress up in women's clothes, but I love too. I love short skirts, the feel of nylon, the look of lipstick and makeup. Everything I like as my male self, I like to look like as a female. I don't think I make a beautiful girl, but I still want to explore this side of me. I am married, and at the present time my wife semi knows that I like to dress, but she hasn't met Melodie. I'm still in the closet, at least for the public and that is why you will not see any really clear pictures of my face at this site, and I am truly sorry for that as deep down I'd love to tell the world about Melodie..

I first started to dress when I was around 10 years old. I can remember a couple of neighbors, high school girls, who thought it would be fun one day and dressed me up as a girl and took me outside. After that, I found some old woman's clothes in my grandmothers barn and dressed by myself. As all of us, I was discovering sex back then and that was part of growing up.

When I got to high school I remember looking at the lovely girls pretty clothes, and continued to dress in the barn. Back then, it was put on some stockings, garters and bras, not really dressing. Then I went away to collage and really my dressing stopped as my male side really found SEX. I didn't do allot of dressing during those few years, but I do recall one time when my dorm room mates were gone for the weekend, that I did dress in nylons and a skirt for the weekend.

Then I got married to a wonderful woman and didn't dress for several years. hen one day while she was at work and I was picking up the clothes, I slipped on one of here mini skirts....hooked again. I would dress off and on for several years. We were talking about fantizees one day and she talked of a BI time. So I got really brave and dressed one evening when she was working late and surprised her when she got home. She was surprised and we did have a great evening with me dressed as DEBBIE. Then the kids came and I stopped dressing for the most part, but would dress when she went away with the kids for the weekend or something.

Then in 1995 I found myself wanting to dress up more. I took a few days to go off by myself. I stopped at GOODWILL and bought some clothes. Stopped at WAL-MART and got a bunch of makeup. One thing missing was a wig. Not having a lot of money I stopped at a Halloween store and got a londe wig. Checking into a motel I dressed up in all the different outfit I had picked up. It was a great night and MELODY was born. I took lots of photos that night, like the one to the left.

After that I would sneak away several times to dress up as Melody buying several different outfits everytime I would dress. I was having lots of fun I did this in 1997 and 1998. A female friend of mind who found some pictures of Melody even let me borrow some of her outfits. It was great. I took over 700 photos and even 6 hours of video of me dressed and very happy.

During this time, I found the WEB and had my own web page MELODY'S CD HOME. I made lots of friends on the WEB and others got to see most of me. During this time I found a special friend Barbara Ann Richards. With her permission, I changed my name to Melody Ann Richards. I also meet another CD from a very close town, and even got to dress up with Bobbie one night. It wasn't for long, but the first time I dressed in front of another person as Melody and chatted.

I continued to dress whenever I could, and then in Sept of 98 I heard of a TG friendly club not to far from my home. I planned the night. First I went to a WIG shop and got a REAL wig and had a make over. I was very nervous when I got to the club and didn't know if I would be able to go in, but I had gone this far and wasn't going to stop. I walked in and walked over to the bar and ordered a glass of wine. I know I didn't fool anyone, but that didn't matter to me. As I was waiting for my wine, I noticed that the girl sitting next to me was also a CD. We chatted and drank our wine. It was a wonderful evening. I even got up the nerve to dance, not with anyone, but just up on the floor. Going to the ladies room was different, but that is what the CD's do in the club. I even walked out doors for the first time dressed. A couple of guys whistle at me saying by legs were great!

After that night I felt different and for some unknown reason.......I stopped dressing and did what allot of CD's do....PURGED.......................

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...Melody Comes Back as Melodie !n \

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