Hey dudes! Join the "Dude Power!" Movement and sign our guestbook! Together, we can change the world!

chad bauer - 05/21/01 10:47:42
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 33
Gender: male
Race/Ethnicity: white
Religion: pres.
Sexuality: gay
Heroes/Heroines (personal, political, historical): john wayne
Where are you from?: nebraska
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes


pete - 05/13/01 01:41:28
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 60ish
Gender: male
Sexuality: wish i wasure
Where are you from?: santa barbara
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yup


Danielle - 05/09/01 15:39:55
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race/Ethnicity: White/Puerto Rican
Religion: Christian
Sexuality: TotallyLesbian
Heroes/Heroines (personal, political, historical): Me
Where are you from?: Carson, CA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: More power to you


Patrick Quealy - 12/07/00 00:30:27
My URL:http://www.quealy.org
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 20
Gender: Boy :-)
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Religion: Agnostic / rational pagan
Sexuality: Gay as the day is long!
Political Affiliation: Libertarian
Heroes/Heroines (personal, political, historical): Whitman! Wilde! Heinlein!
Where are you from?: Cincinatti/Columbus
Do you believe in Dude Power?: You bet!


flipster - 05/06/01 02:44:09
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 29
Gender: male
Race/Ethnicity: creole/west inde!
Religion: ?
Sexuality: Love cock! guess?
Political Affiliation: liberalist
Heroes/Heroines (personal, political, historical): Bob Marley
Where are you from?: Arizona
Do you believe in Dude Power?: : Hell Yah!


Bill Bradly - 05/04/01 12:21:56
Age: 6
Gender: Femal
Religion: Budist
Sexuality: Kinky
Political Affiliation: anarkist
Heroes/Heroines (personal, political, historical): I love Heroine
Where are you from?: hell
Do you believe in Dude Power?: hell yeah


Sheldon - 05/01/01 02:08:47
My Email:[email protected]
Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity: I AM CANADIAN (a white one)
Religion: Christian
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Never
Where are you from?: Vancouver Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Its time has come


BrYaN Phillips - 04/30/01 00:33:45
My URL:/westhollywood/Chelsea/6553/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Religion: Catholic (when I go)
Sexuality: Gay, Gay, Gay, and Gay! :-P
Political Affiliation: Hmmmm, lets say -- Not Republican! LOL
Heroes/Heroines (personal, political, historical): My hero is my boyfriend/partner/best friend MATT!
Where are you from?: Kansas City, Missouri
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

Tony you're way too kewl. :-P

Jonathan - 12/07/00 04:10:15
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Religion: ???
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: Georgia
Do you believe in Dude Power?: But of course!:o)


Chris Payne - 12/06/00 11:30:53
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Gender: male
Religion: Christain (even though i was "outcast" from my church for being gay)
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Formaly A Democrat
Where are you from?: California
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

every one has there own opinons....& your words & opinons are very well spoken for & i honistly agree with all that you said & it was very well put & to the point. dude power rules...

- 11/29/00 06:13:15


Jason - 11/20/00 06:41:28
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Religion: Jewish
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: Midwest
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

Love the site, not in total agreement, but who is? I'm for Gay men and women, as well as bisexuals. But I'm strongly against transgendered. I do not support the inclusion of the transgendered into the Gay community as it is currently known. I hope others feel the same as i do! If your a Gay man and masculine, the same should attract. If your a Gay woman and feminine, the same should attract. The exclusion of transgendered should help defeat alot of the stereotypes that has been perpetuated by the "gender-confused".
Webmaster's Note: The transgendered are people just like anyone else, and they need our support. Don't prejudge all transgendered people by clumping them under the same umberella.

Joe - 11/17/00 18:06:43
My URL:http://www.joe-simpkin.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay, in relationship
Political Affiliation: more than left of centre
Where are you from?: england

a good site - keep on expressing your opinions, a fascinating read for the most part.

*jen* - 11/11/00 05:33:43
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: female
Religion: catholic
Sexuality: heterosexual
Political Affiliation: nonpartisian (did i spell that right?)
Where are you from?: sunny california
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sure...why not? i believe in PEOPLE power.

i found your site b/c you somehow visited mine and signed my guestbook. out of curiosity i decided to stop by. interesting....you have many different views and opinions, which is very cool. im not saying i agree with all of them, but its cool that you are t afraid to state them. youre a cool dude. best of luck....

Eric Eckenroad - 11/01/00 19:33:09
My URL:/ericmeckenroad
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Religion: Lutheran but Not really religous
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: Concord, Cali
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

I miss your Emails. I want to meet you. I want anyone who is in my area or just want to write

Holly L. - 10/30/00 23:06:15
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Religion: Catholic
Sexuality: Straight
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: around here
Do you believe in Dude Power?: excuse me?

I can appreciate your attempt to make a site dealing with such a difficult topic. A friend of mine recently came out, and this page was helpful in letting me relate better to him. Thanks.

kelly - 10/29/00 22:31:21
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Gender: female
Religion: Christian
Sexuality: Straight
Political Affiliation: Gore Sucks
Where are you from?: Manhatten
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yup!!!!

Your site is awesome!!!!

Brian McClellan - 10/26/00 03:29:46
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: male
Religion: Methodist
Sexuality: bisexual
Political Affiliation: independent
Where are you from?: Texas
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

I believe that men should be able to have any sexual prefrence that they want, yet we still get shunned or looked at as if we are all carrying a virus or something it's just not right. I've known a few gay men in the short time I've been on earth, and they all have to put up with crap from their families and coworkers. I just don't think that the gay and bisexual population should have to deal with other peoples insecurities on their sexual prefrences. Thanks for listening.

Brian McClellan - 10/26/00 03:29:27
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: male
Religion: Methodist
Sexuality: bisexual
Political Affiliation: independent
Where are you from?: Texas
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

I believe that men should be able to have any sexual prefrence that they want, yet we still get shunned or looked at as if we are all carrying a virus or something it's just not right. I've known a few gay men in the short time I've been on earth, and they all have to put up with crap from their families and coworkers. I just don't think that the gay and bisexual population should have to deal with other peoples insecurities on their sexual prefrences. Thanks for listening.

David - 10/24/00 21:47:44
My URL:/david_g_g
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 26
Gender: male
Where are you from?: Monterrey M�xico
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yeah

Great site... Greetings from MTY MEX

dalligi - 10/24/00 19:33:12
My Email:www.blueies.com
Age: 17
Gender: female
Religion: methodist
Sexuality: straight as a arrow
Political Affiliation: democrat
Where are you from?: md
Do you believe in Dude Power?: no way I'm a woman

I cannot believe that you would actually waste a website for something this dumb get a life. and I'm not in your web site for fun I'm here because i have to do a report and your the closest sorry excuse to what I need!

Webmaster's Note: If you hated my website so much, then why did you bother to sign my guestbook? Also, you should really learn to spell if you want people to take you seriously.

Jory - 10/21/00 16:09:18
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 26
Gender: male
Religion: penis
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: Green
Where are you from?: UK
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Not sure!

Have enjoyed visiting your website, particularly your references to cirumcision. I'm uncut in a largely uncut country but would like to be circumcised one day: it looks better, is so much cleaner and as they say "A man is not a man until his cock has had the nife!". I take it you were cut at birth?

White heterosexual female - 10/21/00 15:44:35
My URL:http://www.pro-white.org
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Religion: None
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Political Affiliation: None
Where are you from?: California
Do you believe in Dude Power?: No

I should have known that you are a gay male..I couldn't honestly believe a heterosexual male would make a webpage about equality or "dude power". But that's a good thing that you aren't a heterosexual..otherwise I would have died of shock. Infest society. .
Webmaster's Note: Why is it so hard for you to believe that a heterosexual male would care about gender equality? The sexist implications of your statement are quite narrow-minded and anti-progressive.

george - 10/19/00 13:32:19
My URL:http://www.georgesworld.net
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 16
Gender: male
Religion: london
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: its different over here
Where are you from?: england
Do you believe in Dude Power?: most definately

i just want to say how much i respect you. i found out that i was gay when i was about 13 and luckily i have great friends who understand me. my parents are a different matter though. i really believe in what you say and i'm touched by your beliefs. if on y there were more people like you. visit my website to find out more about me: www.georgesworld.net. or email: [email protected] thanx, and keep up the good work (((george)))

Hel Fire - 10/18/00 00:13:43
My URL:http://www.glasscity.net/users/pocino
My Email:[email protected]
Gender: female
Religion: agnostic
Political Affiliation: no party
Where are you from?: albany
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sure

Someone promoting open thought towards the downtrodden? How dare you! Good luck, and cool page.

Matt Tsesmelis - 10/17/00 10:47:13
My URL:/mac_man_matt
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 15
Gender: male
Religion: Greek Orthodox
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: New Cumberland, WV
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

very nice page with alot of useful content. its nice to know someone is trying to have everyone be equal.

Heather : ) - 10/16/00 23:26:57
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 13
Gender: female
Religion: n/a
Sexuality: look @ my e-mail & you tell me
Where are you from?: Lufkin, Texas
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

I think that Dude Power is cool cuz don't us girls have girl power, why not have dude power for guys!!!!

Stormy - 10/16/00 05:51:01
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: female
Religion: pagan
Sexuality: hetro
Where are you from?: Australia
Do you believe in Dude Power?: do now

just a quick note to say thanks for your site.. it's really helped me with an assignment that i have on masculinity. i thought you brought up a good point on the 'girl power' power part and being one of those girls i didn't realise males cared... by the w y i hope dude power grows cause it's one step closer to equality... unity Storm

Liz - 10/15/00 18:15:32
My URL:/debbby88/home.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 20
Religion: Roman Catholic
Sexuality: Hetero
Political Affiliation: Independent
Where are you from?: Ozarks Missouri
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Sure

Nice page =) I disagree with you on some things, such as abortion, but I am glad you are being strong and voicing your opinions, not many younger people do that, keep up the good work on your site! =)

Melody - 10/15/00 15:16:01
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 15
Gender: female
Religion: agnostic hellenic pagan (sound familiar?:-)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Political Affiliation: Quite left right wind, but with left wind vewis mixed in
Where are you from?: Israel (sigh, what a mess)
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sure, whay not

Your site and your writings are beautifuly done, I would have loved to meet you in person. Keep up the great work, and keep adding. May the Gods Bless

Tristan Greene - 10/12/00 08:41:24
My URL:/it3demon
My Email:[email protected]
Age: Son
Gender: Male
Religion: Wiccan
Sexuality: Hetero
Political Affiliation: Anti-establishmentarianist
Where are you from?: Originally?
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I believe anyone who chooses to exert positive personal power is pressing towards the freedom of the opressed.

It's invigorating to find people who aren't afraid to say what's on their mind when they feel an issue of concern is presenting itself. My utmost respect to you and your webpage. Very nice content, excellent views.

Cheryl Burkhalter - 10/12/00 08:33:50
My URL:http://metrocities.net/it3demon
My Email:[email protected]
Age: crone
Gender: female
Religion: Pagan
Political Affiliation: Radical
Where are you from?: MS Gulf Coast
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I belive in all powers

You are quite well spoken, I respect your views.

James - 10/09/00 22:32:07
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Religion: none at all
Sexuality: straight
Political Affiliation: republican
Where are you from?: Wis
Do you believe in Dude Power?: no comment

thought the information on gore was very helpful and intresting. helpful in the most part.

krissy - 10/08/00 00:33:23
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Where are you from?: CA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Of course!

hey i read your page for info for a report on stereotpying and thanks it helped alot and was interesting to read. But i just wanted to let you know that i support you and will tell my mom to NOT vote Gore!!!

- 10/04/00 19:40:00
My Email:agnes83_1
Age: 17
Gender: female
Religion: catholic
Sexuality: heterosexual
Where are you from?: new mexico

I just want you to know that Im not gay or anything like that but I do respect gays. Its your choice and everyone has the right to choose what they want

Webmaster's Note: I do sincerely thank you for your support. However, I must correct you on something: my sexual orientation was not my choice.

Davy - 09/27/00 00:05:09
My Email:Perrotta
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Religion: None
Sexuality: 100% GAY
Political Affiliation: None
Where are you from?: Naugatuck, CT
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES

I love your site, DUDE! Can you notify me whenever you update it, that would be great.

David - 09/26/00 00:43:47
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Religion: Jehovah,s Witness
Sexuality: I don't know
Political Affiliation: None
Where are you from?: U.S.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes I do

I think this web page is great!!!!

Joseph Mengele(the Angel of Death)w - 09/19/00 00:22:16
My URL:http://www.godhatesfags.com/home.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 89
Gender: male
Religion: agnostic
Sexuality: straight as an arrow
Political Affiliation: National Socialist Deutsch Arbeiter Partei
Where are you from?: Berlin, Germany
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I believe in White Power!


marco macapayad - 09/18/00 08:11:34
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: male
Religion: protestant
Sexuality: bisexual
Political Affiliation: huh???
Where are you from?: Philippines
Do you believe in Dude Power?: absolutely

hey, i really believe in what you were saying that such stereotypes should be vanished. I live in a society in which people dictate what people, of such gender, has to do, what to do,and on how to react on certain things and issues. Basically, i'm a person wit a strong sense of spirit.I dont easily conform with what the society has to offer, i consider myself not that of a submissive person. well,I too am really taking part on this mission.... thanks and more power...... marco

Anna - 09/12/00 01:43:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/AnnainCA
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Religion: None (atheist)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Political Affiliation: Democrat (Liberal)
Where are you from?: Belmont, California
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

Hi Tony, thanks for signing my guestbook! I really enjoyed my visit to your site. You have a lot of refreshing views on gender, and I agree with many of your political views as well. I am, however, a Yellow Dog Democrat. ;o) Keep up the good work, and I'l visit your pages again soon! :o)

joe - 09/08/00 09:43:53

Devon Dude --- Whoa! Great work. I "faved" you. I'll be back later. Coo----el! Joe

vigilante - 08/16/00 04:14:19
My URL:http://www.longlifeyouthfreedom.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: big 4-0 dude
Religion: agnostic
Sexuality: I dig chicks
Political Affiliation: radical nutwing
Where are you from?: Meshugina from Michigan
Do you believe in Dude Power?: what is it?

legalize drugs, legalize ho's, national drinking age 18, universal sufferage

Bartender Don - 08/09/00 21:59:52
My URL:http://angelfire.com/tn/bargay
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 49
Gender: male
Religion: christian
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: Nashville,Tn
Do you believe in Dude Power?: looking at it

nice page-added your page to my links-

John - 08/03/00 09:54:53
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Religion: Christian/Wiccan
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Liberitarian
Where are you from?: Katy Tx
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I do now

Dear The magnificent founder of this website! I just want to thank you for making such a cool website for all males. As a gay teen I began to see my elders embracing Girl Power notions hoping to breed equal rights. I felt really pushed into it. I love females and enjoy their company and I am for equa rights for all, however their notions left me feeling ashamed, guilty, and de- masculinized. Even though I'm gay, I didn't just automatically give up my gender or hack off my genitals, I am still a guy , I just happen to be attracted to other guys. Also eing a witch I began to notice that even though modern wiccans would never admit it they are extremely goddess and feminine power oriented. I am so elated to find a site that gives guys equal treatment while still promoting equal rights. Not only that a g y guy maintains it. Its like the truth about all men has finally come out.(pun intended) Anyway I guess I'm saying keep up the good work and I'll be coming back! Dude Power! John

John - 08/03/00 09:42:23
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Religion: Christian/Wiccan
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Liberitarian
Where are you from?: Katy Tx


rich - 07/29/00 21:37:20
My URL:http://www.wyver.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Religion: none
Where are you from?: UK

Great site

craig - 07/21/00 09:19:23
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/coverboy01
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 31
Gender: 100% male
Religion: na
Sexuality: bi
Political Affiliation: **********
Where are you from?: born in Calif
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes!!!

web page name change from craigs galaxy to craigs domain. wanted to let everybody to know!

Sophia - 07/15/00 23:21:55
My URL:http://www.plagal.org

The legal justification for ripping babies to shreds until the very moment they are born leads to this kind of horrific irony: It is illegal to murder a prematurely born baby, but it is perfectly legal to murder an unborn baby who is the exact same age as the prematurely born baby. A twin baby who is removed from the womb by C-section has the right to life; however, the twin that is still left in the womb is legally vulnerable to being murdered by abortion if its mother so decides that it is one too many.

The unborn child can't help being in the womb. Nature dictates that the womb is the very place where the unborn child should be, and it is a tremendous breach of justice to punish the unborn child by withholding legal protection from it just for being unb rn. To say that it is justifiable to rip unborn children to shreds until the very moment they cease to be unborn and begin to be born; that's just like saying that it is justifiable to rip people to shreds until the very moment they cease to be gay and be in to be straight. That is, if you believe that homosexuality is not unnatural. Abortion is bigotry--bigotry against the unborn for being who they naturally are.

You appealed to rape, danger to the mother's health, and fetal abnormality as justifications for taxpayer-supported abortion. For your information, of all abortions, only 1% concern rape, 3% concern danger to the mother's health, and 3% concern fetal abno mality, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, a pro-abortion organization.

Why should you necessarily have less claim to the abortion issue just because you are a male? Males are just as responsible as females for conceiving the unborn babies who are aborted. Males pay taxes that are used to fund abortion. Many fathers (males) o aborted babies didn't want their babies to be aborted and continue to mourn, and their mourning isn't any less valid just because they are male. Also, the laws that paved the way for legal abortion on demand--legal abortion for any reason whatsoever thro ghout the entire 9 months of pregnancy, including partial-birth abortion--were brought to existence by 9 Supreme Court justices who were MALE.

Anyway, to those who do not harbor the bigotry that is being "pro-choice":

Support the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians (PLAGAL)--at absolutely no cost to you--by registering with iGive.com at: http://www.igive.com/html/ssi.cfm?cid=3636&mid=33462

Upon your registration, you get a personalizable member page at iGive.com, and iGive.com will donate between 1 and 4 cents to PLAGAL for every time you click on your iGive.com member page (5 clicks maximum per day).

Once registered, you are under no obligation to buy anything through iGive.com, but if you do, a percentage of the purchase price will go to PLAGAL. The iGive.com cyber-mall consists of over 200 different stores. Currently, if you make your first purchase within 45 days of your registration, iGive.com will donate $10 to PLAGAL.

The Web site for the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians is located at: http://www.plagal.org

Herb Ruquet Jr - 07/12/00 00:10:51
My URL:/hruquet/Herb.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Religion: Raised Catholic but am a Spiritualist
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Reform Party
Where are you from?: New York
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

Hey, Cool site, good luck in all of your indevors. Herb

Alberto Antonio - 07/11/00 15:56:14
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Religion: Spiritual
Sexuality: GAY
Political Affiliation: other
Where are you from?: Fresno, Ca
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes


Ed - 07/05/00 00:47:14
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ford50mus/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: NJ

Nice Website !! Keep up the good work !!

Eric - 07/04/00 05:43:37
My URL:http://www.darkcircleguy.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Gender: male
Religion: none
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: Indiana
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yup

Nice page! I've been here before but not in about 6 months. :-( But I will come back much more often cuz this site rocks!

cory - 06/18/00 07:21:57
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Religion: n/a
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: n/a
Where are you from?: baltimore
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

need to find some people from baltimore hard to find

JUSTIN - 06/13/00 01:52:24
Age: 13
Gender: MALE
Sexuality: GAY
Where are you from?: CINCINNATI
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES


Ken - 06/10/00 03:05:00
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Religion: Christian
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: Liberal Party of Canada
Where are you from?: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I'm not a dude, I'm a man. And I have power because I'm a person.

This is an interesting page. But I can't help but think you've spun a web of generalities and contradiction.

Webmaster's Note: "Interesting" is a very netural word. Perhaps you could be a bit more clear on what you mean by "generalities" and "contradiction" you've feel I've made. Your statement is very open-ended, and, quite frankly, has no merit when you fail to back it up with concrete counterpoints.

roger - 06/09/00 17:02:48
Age: 34
Gender: male
Religion: searching
Sexuality: bi
Political Affiliation: gave up on that years ago
Where are you from?: u.s.a missouri
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

nice world. must have taken some work to put together. you did a good job tho. hang in their.

BartenderDon - 06/09/00 13:55:33
My URL:http://angelfire.com/tn/bargay
My Email:[email protected]
Age: see my web page
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay male
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: Nashville,Tn.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: oh yes

Great page you have here.Its reaLLY WELL PUT TOGETHER.Keep up the good work.I'v added you to my links and proud to do so.Take care and mail me sometime....Don

patternmage - 06/09/00 08:48:16
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Gender: male
Religion: taoist buddhist chaoist thelemite wiccan
Sexuality: bisexual
Political Affiliation: anarchist
Where are you from?: kentucky, USA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Believe in it? HA! I worship it!

If this is a double post, I am sorry. My browser is acting a little quarky.If not then I am glad I kept trying. I would like to express my apreciation to the builder of this page. It is refreshing to find individuals who hold the same belief I have long held. The current political climate is at best emasculating. I would also like to extend my warm invitation for those in need of a penpal to contact me. This seems like a good enough place to find some friends. Blessings of Mother/Father Chaos, PatternMage

patternmage - 06/09/00 08:09:54
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Gender: male
Religion: Taoist Buddhist Chaoist Thelemite Wiccan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Political Affiliation: Anarchist
Where are you from?: Kentucky, USA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Beleive it? Ha! I worship it!

10,000 blessings upon you and this page. I welcome anyone to become my penpal. I need a few friends right now... literate ones I might add. Greetings to all the beautiful people out there! By the way... what's centralism? Cool Page. Pacem, PatternMage

Amit - 06/08/00 17:27:35
Age: 23
Gender: MALE
Religion: HINDU
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Political Affiliation: Anti- U.N
Where are you from?: Chicago
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I'm loosing my faith in it

What's the point of writing stuff on a website, we are loosing everyday. Western white men have become slaves and I feel ver sorry for them. God knows, it's about Votes, if women did not comprise 54% of the population and if the U.N could be successfully gnored, women would still be in their places. But it's too late.

Webmaster's Note: You seem to imply that women are inferior to men, and that is NOT the type of thinking that "Dude Power!" promotes. I don't see what the U.N. even has to do with your argument - - in fact, your entire uestbook entry makes absolutely no sense.

Rick - 06/05/00 15:11:30
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Religion: MCC
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: Ala
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes about time

Its about time there was a web page such as your,web page for guys.Yes I do believe in dude, power.America has alot of purtain sexual hangups, when it comes to hugging another guy.I myself enjoy,the closenes of being hug and giving a hug to,another guy.I elcome pen pals from all over the world.my e-mail [email protected] Thanks for hearing my thoughts.

domingo - 06/01/00 20:58:16
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 31
Gender: male
Religion: agnostic/ self-seeker
Sexuality: all male
Where are you from?: originallr ny, now mn

i can understand scooby, but really a pup name scooby? i must respectfully disagree.

Rory - 05/30/00 04:19:46
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: male
Religion: none
Sexuality: hmmm...sexual
Political Affiliation: unsure
Where are you from?: NJ
Do you believe in Dude Power?: well I guess. If I didn't then might that be a sign of low self-esteem?

I like your site. I think it's rather telling that most of the guys here are gay-there should be at least an equal amount of 'straight' and 'gay' guys. I would never call myself either a feminist or a masculinist. I don't like either one. I think that to ake just one side increases a sort of tunnel vision, but you seem pretty good. Keep up the good work!

Ryan - 05/28/00 12:11:46
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Religion: Dont believe anything - there is no such thing as GOD
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: None - but want australia to become a republic
Where are you from?: Australia
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes its about time

This is truley inspiring site, a must for anyone to visit and congratulations dude!!!! :)

nick - 05/27/00 15:35:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/de2/gayissues
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 15
Gender: male
Religion: none
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: changes
Where are you from?: planet-gay lol
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yea! People seem to think sexism only works when ur female

Cool page! Pretty big keep it up. Bye

Eric - 05/24/00 19:04:14
My URL:/ericmeckenroad/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19 (My Webpage says 18)
Gender: Male
Religion: Not that Religious but Christian.
Sexuality: Gay
Where are you from?: Concord, CA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Sure Why Not

Cool Page! Anyone who is Gay Email me!

uberdude - 05/24/00 11:05:16
Sexuality: omni
Political Affiliation: versatile-to-bottom
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I fucking invented it you poseur


Ann - 05/14/00 18:30:08
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/re/littleimp
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Religion: Christian/Methodist
Sexuality: Queer
Political Affiliation: N/A
Where are you from?: Kansas
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Sure, to a point *wink*

Neat site!

Chris - 05/12/00 23:31:30
My URL:/chrism1921
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: Texas

Cool site! Would love to have you in the Gay Teen Dudes web ring! (url above) -- Chris

Hiram - 05/12/00 21:26:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/journal/saadaya/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Religion: N/A
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: N/A
Where are you from?: Chicago
Do you believe in Dude Power?: 100 %

Hey!, congratulations on your dude power page. I think many of us gay men are cut off from other men and from our male identity because of homophobic oppression and you are one of a few straight men who support the need to talk about how stereotypical id as of masculinity are detrimental to all of us and cut us off from others and parts of our own Self. We need to start talking about this. Thanks. :=)

Todd - 05/12/00 06:44:11
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 30
Gender: male
Religion: atheist
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: Buffalo currently, PA originally
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sure

Interesting site dude. Just wanted to say, "hey. I like your attitude.

Todd Kreidermacher - 05/08/00 13:47:29


Jordan - 04/29/00 00:01:39
My URL:http://jordansboys.cjb.net
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Religion: To be honest, I'm not really sure
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Where are you from?: Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yeah sure!

Hey your is awesome!

Kristen - 04/27/00 21:14:56
My URL:/twistedreflect
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: female
Religion: Urm...do i have to pick just one?
Sexuality: bi
Political Affiliation: libertarian
Where are you from?: california
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yeppers

You signed my book, so I thought I would stop by and check out your page. You have some interesting ideas, etc. I'll be back to read the rest soon.

mike - 04/26/00 18:54:13
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 15
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: nv
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

iam gay so can anyone e-mail me

eddie - 04/24/00 02:38:24
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 25
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: NY
Do you believe in Dude Power?: most definately

You are a refreshing example of a healthy gay youth. I loved everything I read and seen. I just think your veiws and thoughts are great. Thank you!

Joanna - 04/20/00 17:32:16
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 45
Religion: Buddhist
Sexuality: straight
Political Affiliation: depends
Where are you from?: Tacoma,WA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I believe in healthy empowerment of all

I came across your site while surfing. Thankyou for a healthy perspective on an age-old problem.You basically said all the things I have thought most of my life. Unfortunately, I have been one of those women trampled on by men around me. It has been truly difficult at times to remind myself that all men (and women) are not alike and should not be stereotyped. I hope that sites like yours will lead people to more open communication and enable them to see that men and women can and should support and respect each other. Can you imagine what a difference could be made, if animosity and suspicion is replaced with mutual trust and cooperation~! Best wishes to You~! Joanna

Avery - 04/17/00 18:37:18
My URL:www.songsinthenight.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Religion: Non-theist
Sexuality: Straight
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: New York

Very interesting site. Dude Power . . . great idea!

Jeff - 04/16/00 16:00:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/vt/kaaterskill
Age: 23
Gender: male
Religion: all kinds of things
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: liberal
Where are you from?: Maine
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yea


Lauren - 04/09/00 02:26:56
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 16
Gender: female
Religion: catholic
Sexuality: straight
Where are you from?: Australia
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

Thanks for your wonderful site. I recently looked up your site for an assignment on gender issues. I had choosen to do the unfair stereotypes which are placed on males and the severe consequences which are impounded when these stereotypes are broken. Your site made me realize just how h rd it is to be excepted in this world whether you are male or female. Thanks for all the great information. Lauren

Johniee - 04/07/00 14:05:22
My URL:/westhollywood/9462/
My Email:[email protected]
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: Columbus Ohio USA

To let you know I was here johniee

Kristen Lee - 04/06/00 21:21:41
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: female
Religion: christian--of a sorts
Sexuality: strait
Political Affiliation: pfh! ya right
Where are you from?: Ont. Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: but of course!

I sumbled across this website while gathering info for a project I'm working on. How refreshing it is to find a person who speaks their mind, and what comes out is not garbage or blubbering. I commend you on a thought well said!

Larry Yockey - 04/04/00 20:56:24
My URL:http://www.cwu.edu/~yockeyl
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22
Gender: male
Religion: personal
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: Washington State
Do you believe in Dude Power?: oh yeah

Hey I click on your site from a friend of mine guess book. I like your lay out, and what you had to say. Dude power theme is totally cool. Keep up this awesome site, and see ya later. Pepsi Boy

Camilla - 03/26/00 13:53:32
Age: 16
Sexuality: Hetro
Where are you from?: Sweden
Do you believe in Dude Power?: .........

Hi! I don�t now you, but I now that you�ve got a great site. I die twice everytime I see Kerr Smith!!! He�s SOOOOOO good looking! Bye....Camilla.

- 03/18/00 16:25:43


- 03/14/00 18:30:31


Tracy - 03/12/00 08:30:27
My URL:/Athens/Troy/3825/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 35
Religion: Atheist
Sexuality: Hetro
Political Affiliation: Centralist
Where are you from?: All over
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yup, absolutely.

Tony: Hi there! You signed my guestbook awhile back from my "Women in the Military" page. Sorry it took me so long to come visit you. Yes, I agree with you about the selective service. Yes, I agree with you about same-sex marriages, and I think it's it's sad, disgraceful and sickening that Prop 22 was passed. Scary statement about the thought process (or lack therof) of too many peop e. The KKKristian KKKoalition (again) worked people into a propaganda hysteria over it. Stupid. And lastly...Yes, I think "Dude Power" is a great idea! So nice to see people postively assert who they are without bashing those who are different. You have a very nice, balanced way of looking at things. I think I'd like you if we ever met. Take care, Tracy

mark - 03/12/00 04:51:07
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 30
Gender: boy
Religion: LOL> yeah, right
Sexuality: bisexual.
Political Affiliation: cant be bothered
Where are you from?: Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: d00d power rocks.

The best thing u can do for gay power is to be secure and open bout our sexuality. remember, when u act and look very normal and people see u are a fag, it breaks the stereotype.

The Grand Panjandrum - 03/09/00 21:44:17
My URL:http://the-grand-panjandrum.tripod.com
Age: Too young to be this old
Gender: M . . . yes . . . male
Religion: Asatruar
Sexuality: Mary'd
Political Affiliation: Left of up
Where are you from?: LACALIFUSA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

Dude! How could you post pix of Erik Von Detten and cut out Trevor Fehrman? Uncut (no pun intended) pix from "Odd man Out" are at /TheTropics/Resort/8097/trevpage1.html for those who like Trevor. Y'all click on http://welcome.to/thejaundicedeye now, y'hear? (Sorry ... too many re-runs of "The Beverly Hillbillies" on Los Angeles TeeVee.)

- 03/06/00 21:47:10
My URL:http://hey hey hey
Age: cant say
Gender: male
Religion: greek
Sexuality: male
Where are you from?: africa
Do you believe in Dude Power?: nope

i think this site is pathetic everyguy out there has guts! everey women too they r equal!!!!!

Webmaster's Note: Hmmm, very poetic. Now try actually composing an actual sentence.

Gregg - 03/02/00 16:35:57
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 37
Religion: Sort of a mongrel there
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Non-partisan
Where are you from?: all over the east coast
Do you believe in Dude Power?: ???????

I agree with you on Kerr Smith. I worked with him for about a year on "As the World Turns" he was such a sweet great cute all around guy! His acting went from ok to doing excellent while he was with us but his personality never changed from being just a genuine doll baby. PS, if it means anything to you he wears an american size 13 shoe.

Wayne Smith/Deonte' - 03/01/00 23:05:52
My URL:http://DiablosFire.Homepage.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 17
Gender: male
Religion: born jewish now pagan
Sexuality: gay ( and very glad to be)
Political Affiliation: n/a
Where are you from?: Cumberland Md
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

Hey dude, Cool site. Mine isn't up yet I'm still working on it. I have a lot in common with you really. I'm an artist fighting against prejudice in my works. I'm a fashion designer, abstract artist, a screen play writer and a recording artist manager, but like I aid I'm only 17. It may seem pretty cool but it gets boring at times. I think you would like my screenplay alot. It's about a bi-sexual vampire prince that loses his parents, someone murdered them and he has to fight and kill the murderer. It's called the legend of Deonte'-The Epic Saga. Starring Ashton from the 70's show- Kelso. Charisma carpenter as his wife- Cordelia from Angel. Will Friedle from Boy meets world the older brother. and jason behr max from roswell and alot more.

Philip the Gay - 03/01/00 13:35:03
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 17+
Gender: Male
Religion: Christian
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: None
Where are you from?: Malaysia
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES!!!!!

Your views stated in this site are raelly brilliant and it really meant a lot to me other than it really amke sense. Because of my religion, I had always tried to hide my true feelings and make me feel insecure and wonder whether I'll go to hell. What mad me feel even worse, is that the fact that I had fell in love with with my 16yo friend who's a strong Christian. It made felt so bad that I sometimes thought about suicide since I can never win his love. But now with this new info I have, I hope I could c ange his perspective towards us gays. I will forever support Dude Power!!!!!!!!!

randy - 02/29/00 13:44:03
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Religion: none
Sexuality: 90%gay
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: ny
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

I don't think you need to feel your pix are not great enough. I think you are VERY attractive and what a great credit to the gay community you are. Your parents should be very proud. Thanks P.S. I'm in love with Jer and Erik, too) Randy

Allen - 02/26/00 04:05:50
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 52
Gender: male
Religion: Granfaloon
Sexuality: still hanging in
Political Affiliation: Karen Carpenterist
Where are you from?: The Mind of God
Do you believe in Dude Power?: unless he's got a headache

I have a sense of humor and cherish it in others. Seriously

Mike - 02/23/00 03:22:14
My URL:http://www.topcities.com/Crazy/mikemulk/
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Religion: catholic
Sexuality: Straight all the way
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: MA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Hell Yeah

The page is nice. I am into the whole equal rights stuff. I get crap from my friends about respecting all types of people but frankly I dont care. So all the power to you and rock on man because the message you are sending is a good positive one.

Michael - 02/21/00 00:37:20
My URL:/teenscape
My Email:e-mail me from the homepage
Age: 18
Gender: male
Religion: catholic
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: republican
Where are you from?: I live on a island along the gulf coast of Alabama.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I believe that I do.

Just surfing around and came across your homepage. I see you have a link on your fav links page 2 our page. That is so kewl. I want to put a link to your page on TeenScape. I think that w00d b kewl if it waz ok with u. I checked all of yours out and t is pretty kewl. I kno, I kno - All that sounded dumb, bUtt n e ways - Keep up the good work and thanx 4 listing TeenScape in ya fav links page. Peace out -:)) Michael (IceBoy18 of DalNet-IRC)

boyblue - 02/11/00 06:15:46
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/8255
My Email:[email protected]
Age: what a rude question
Religion: atheist
Sexuality: support it
Political Affiliation: brass collar, yellow dawg Democrat
Where are you from?: TN
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yeah

Neat page. I saw you on the bradleygays at egroups.com newsgroup. Nice to see the kids taking an interest in politics. Not enough do, which scares me half to death. Stick with it!

Steve - 02/10/00 19:27:03
My URL:http://profiles.yahoo.com/dat_wascawy_wabbit
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 21
Gender: male
Religion: Seventh-day Congregational
Sexuality: Self-Sexual
Political Affiliation: God Save the QUEEN!
Where are you from?: Baltimore, Maryland
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yeah Man!!! ...oops, I mean DUDE!

Hey! Lookin Gooooood!

Courdney - 02/10/00 18:57:59
My URL:http://Nati03Moeller.homestead.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Religion: Catholic
Sexuality: Bi
Where are you from?: Ohio
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

Hea long time no see. If you want to chat IM me at NatiOh03 or Go Big Moe 22

christophe cerdan - 02/09/00 22:40:06
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 29
Religion: no need right now
Sexuality: straight->bi->gay (a journey)
Political Affiliation: parti socialiste (although they tend to be quite disappointing)
Where are you from?: Toulon
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I believe in guys like us i-e: yes

Hi, just found a site which might be of some interest to you http://www.queerasfolk.fr.fm . It's in french, made by a guy about your age and about a british tv program you sure want to watch sometimes. see ya!

Chick Grundell - 02/09/00 05:44:17
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~mawam
My Email:[email protected]
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Political Affiliation: M.A.W.A.M.
Where are you from?: California
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Oh ya!

Great site! Check out the home page of The Glorious National Order Men Against Women Against Men. M.A.W.A.M. is here for all dudes tired of women who bash men. Get ready to laugh! Get ready to cry! The penis you save, may be your own. Check out the M.A.W A.M. home page. http://home.earthlink.net/~mawam Keep up the good work, Chick

Erik von Detten - 02/09/00 02:29:06
My URL:http://www.erikvondetten.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: like you don't already know!
Gender: gee, i wonder??
Religion: no comment, its none of your business
Sexuality: straight, not that its any of your business either
Political Affiliation: no comment
Where are you from?: Erik von Detten's Bedroom
Do you believe in Dude Power?: i could care less about it

if you want more hot pics of me, email my girlfriend, she has a ton [email protected]

Rick - 02/07/00 01:31:21
My URL:/reallyrick
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Religion: None
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Liberal Democrat
Where are you from?: San Francisco Bay Area
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yeppers!

Damn boy! You go with your bad ass website. I skimmed through and read as much as I could. As someone who is trying to make a website of his on all I have to say is DAMN! lol Where do you find the time to make such an elaborate site? Your views are a esome and I am glad that your out there fighting for GAY POWER!

Charles - 01/29/00 10:05:41
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 23
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: california
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

I really like your page... very informing. I also want to thank you for linking my page. It's an old one... the first one I've done... but unfortunately I don't have the time to update it.

Kevin - 01/27/00 09:34:55
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22
Sexuality: homo
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: UK

I read some of your site and particularly liked your comments on circumcision. I'm an uncut guy who really wants to get done and am fed up with reading all the anti stuff. Keep up the good work

Nicky - 01/25/00 17:29:26
My URL:http://ntam.tripod.com/NTam.html
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Where are you from?: NY
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

I like what you have done a lot. I'll be back and read more.

JOSH - 01/20/00 23:46:52
Age: 13
Religion: NONE
Where are you from?: SALT LAKE CITY
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES


Kevin - 01/20/00 20:55:08
My URL:http://members.home.net/freudmind/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Religion: None
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: Pleasanton, California
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Sure do

Just wanted to say the the idea of this site is great and there should be more people like us.

Juliet Stewart - 01/20/00 06:39:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/juliet067/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Cincinnati
Do you believe in Dude Power?: depends on the dude

This is a cute site. I am supporting the person who can beat the hell out of George Walker Bush,Jr. His number is 6-6-6 and he puts to death many in Texas and uses Jesus' name. In other words he is the Anti-Christ. I am supporting Al Gore because he is t e only person who has the money to beat Bush. Although my heart is with Bill Bradley, he is the man I want to be President. I have seen him play the sport as a young child. He has an intellect and that is rare in politics. I hope you are right, and I won' have to change my web site, Friends of Bill. Juliet

Webmaster's Note: Actually, Bill Bradley has raised more campaign money than Al Gore, and actually has (and will continue to build) the centerist support to beat George W. Bush (whereas the vice-president doesn't). Of c urse, that's the last thing the Gore campaign wants to remind people of.

Maxx - 01/16/00 18:26:26
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi I think?
Where are you from?: London ON. Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

HI i Haven't really had a chance to read alot yet, but will. I am a happily married man, That has only resently discovered that i might be bi. I have talked to my wife about this & she thinks I'm perfectly normal in having these feelings. Am I ??. I don't know.She also told me that if I wanted to, I could persue them as long as she can be present for my first adventure. ( WOW) What a shock & a releaf to find out she was fine with this. So I am going to find out once & for all if I'm BI. If anyone would like to chat to me on the subject feel free to email me at [email protected] Bi for now & hope to hear from some of you guys out there. Maxx London ON, Canada

Benjamin Spider - 01/16/00 13:36:28
My URL:http://www.spidersagenda.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religion: Agnostic
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Radical - Conservitive (which every suits my views)
Where are you from?: New Orleans
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yeah

Cool Site Man

Corinne - 01/16/00 08:47:08
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: female
Religion: *undecided*
Sexuality: straight
Political Affiliation: i'm an indie
Where are you from?: New York
Do you believe in Dude Power?: based on your definition of the word? yeah...

You're an intelligent humanist. I like that.

Marc Tremblay - 01/14/00 15:21:44
My URL:http://www.netcore.ca/~hyper
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 26
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: socialist
Where are you from?: Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I'm not sure

Hi, I read your personal story on coming out and I found it quite touching. It sounds very similar to mine. It's always reassuring to hear and read other people's stories of self-discovery. At the present time I think I am in love with a young man who is coming out. We have shared some preliminary feelings for eachother, but for the past while he has been very reclusive. I've assured him that I am his friend and that he can talk to me, but h is the type to escape into work and other activities to avoid introspection. I'm not looking for any solutions or advice from you, I just need to write this stuff out. It's great that you put together your web site. I looked at your family photos and was moved. I don't know why. Anyway, take care and all the best. Marc Tremblay

david sullivan - 01/13/00 03:16:45
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 38
Gender: male
Religion: metaphysical
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: democratic
Where are you from?: altadena, california
Do you believe in Dude Power?: good concept

hi, this is a great page! i am with the Rainbow Center Planning Committee (RCPR) at Friends In Deed in pasadena, ca. we are hosting an afternoon get together at neighborhood church in pasadena every saturday from 3-6pm and is open to all gay,bi,transgende ed and straight youth. thanks!

Read my previous guestbook entries

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