Hey dudes! Join the "Dude Power!" Movement and sign our guestbook! Together, we can change the world!

Bri - 01/07/00 07:31:39
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 21
Gender: male
Religion: God and I have our own Sunday thing going (called watching football...He said I could do that instead of church because it's the same thing)
Sexuality: straight
Political Affiliation: conservative
Where are you from?: Washington DC
Do you believe in Dude Power?: ummm.....i dunno

Nice site...Bradley is a good choice and I would like to see him win the Dem. nomination....maybe the Presidency, but the definitely the nod.

Ian Daniels - 01/07/00 03:37:01
Age: 32
Gender: male
Religion: christian
Sexuality: straight

In regards to your response to John Doe: the medical complications arising from intact foreskins are extremely rare. Just look at Europe, Australia, Japan, and Canada, where the surgery is seldom performed. Are they having major problems as a result? I don't understand why you support circumcision as a precautionary procedure.

Webmaster's Note: What I don't understand is why people are so hell-bent on outlawing circumcisions. I question your definition of foreskin infections being "rare", Ian. There are millions of people in the world, and "rare" could still translate to mean tens of thousands of complications resulting from intact foreskin. I also challenge how utopian the claims from all these other "intact" countries are. For instance, just think of all the unreported foreskin infections there are in the world since this is such a sensitive and often humiliating subject for men, even to bring to their doctor's attention. Then there are conceivably many third-world countries in which thousands of men suffer penis foreskin infections because their nations' medical technology is so primitive and they have extremely limited access to what little medical care there is available to them! Even in the United States, many families live in poverty and have absolutely no access to health care (which could change for the better if Americans elect Bill Bradley next November)! You can't base everything on what the anti-circumcision medical machine (which is out to make money) wants you to believe (and so they put out slanted information to argue for their "cause"). I would not be surprised if there are tens or hundreds of thousands of boys and men in the world who have medical complications resulting from their uncircumcised foreskin, but they can't do a damn thing about it because of the poverty and overblown anti-circumcision propoganda throughout the world. Even if the foreskin infections in the world are "rare" according to your standards, it's an unnecessary abomination that they exist, and infant circumcisions are a logical way of preventing such "rare" (as you put it) occurances. Even if they are as rare as you claim, NO MALE should have to endure the potential trauma of being circumcised as an adolsecent or adult.

By the way Ian, your IP/ISP address almost identically matches that of "John Doe's". Hmmmm . . .

Robert Vann Smith - 01/06/00 21:01:37
My URL:/pentagon/4454/index.htm
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 33 on the 18th of January of 2000
Gender: Male
Religion: Christian
Sexuality: Does It Matter ?
Political Affiliation: Libertarian
Where are you from?: Rome, Georgia, U.S.A.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Uh....I'll get bac to you. (+:

Thanks for visiting my site. You have a nice one here, too.

Quintina - 01/06/00 14:43:46
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: female
Religion: no
Sexuality: hetro
Political Affiliation: politics mmmm i can't be bothered to vote
Where are you from?: manchester, England
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

What a great idea. I am impressed. There is just one tiny glitch in the 'dude power' paradise though, a dude is a spot on a horses penis.

Bob - 01/05/00 21:42:06
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 50+
Gender: Old Man
Religion: Yes
Sexuality: Bi
Political Affiliation: Independent
Where are you from?: Utah
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes!!!

Old closet dweller..love to exchange e-mails..

Lonnie - 01/02/00 14:23:32
My URL:/westhollywood/stonewall/5217
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 35
Gender: male
Religion: Southern Baptist
Sexuality: homosexual
Political Affiliation: Dem
Where are you from?: Indiana
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

Thanx for visiting my site and the comments on the poetry. I will put a link to your site on mine. Thanx also for the words of encouragement. Life will someday turn for the better. Keep the faith and the light. Lonnie

John Doe - 01/01/00 20:25:16
Age: 20something
Gender: Male
Religion: Unitarian
Sexuality: Hetero
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: DC
Do you believe in Dude Power?: somewhat

I agree with many of your opinions on gender, sexuality, etc. But I have a hard time seeing your point on circumcision. You reject comparisons of male and female circumcision based on the differences between them. But have you considered what the publi reaction would be if an equivalent procedure were being performed on infant girls for "medical" reasons (which I find questionable at best)? You speak of gender equality, but you don't seem fully divorced from these double standards. I personally don't think my circumcision was medically necessary, and wish my parents had used better judgement. (And nowadays they agree with me!) I'm not signing my name because this is such a taboo subject.

Webmaster's Note: Whether you like it or not, anatomical differences exist between the male and female genders which do factor in to the argument regarding male circumcisions versus female circumcisions. My whole point is that female circumcisions (even if hypothetically performed at birth or infancy on a female) DON'T have a valid medical purpose, so negative public reaction to that "procedure" would and should be justified. On the other hand, male circumcisions DO have a valid medical purpose: to act as a precautionary measure for preventing infections of the penis foreskin that can (and often do) occur later on in life. It's better to perform a circumcision on a male right after birth rather than when he's a teenager or adult. Common sense should tell you that when a teenage/adult male receives a circumcision, the experience and memory of that operation performed at adolescence or adulthood is MUCH more likely to stick with him in his memory than if he's circumcised as a baby. Anesthetics aren't always adequately effective, because complications and pain can very well occur even along with the application of anesthesia. I don't see how it makes sense to condone leaving baby boys "intact" when the subsequent infection of their penis foreskin may only lead to potentially-torturous surgical experiences later on in their adolescent or adult lives!

Shelby - 12/31/99 22:20:31
My URL:/scottiedp
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 17 (Born 6 days after you!)
Gender: Femme
Religion: None really, just a believer
Sexuality: Lesbian
Political Affiliation: Hmm... haven't voted yet. That Bradley sounds pretty good, though :)
Where are you from?: St. Charles, Missouri (Near St. Louis)
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Absolutely! You go boy :)

Hey Tony! Your website is great-- there's so much to sort through I'm wondering exactly how many trips I'm going to have to make to your web-home before I see it all. You seem to be a great guy, and I hope we can talk sometime. You've really got your life in order and I admire you for that... I know I wish my plans and opinions were so well organized! It's amazing looking back and realizing that, at 17, we're *finally* growing up. What a life it's been, huh? :) I hope to hear from you sometime... ~*!*~ Shelby ~*!*~

Courdney - 12/31/99 06:29:41
My URL:http://Nati03Moeller.homestead.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Religion: Catholic
Sexuality: Bi
Political Affiliation: N/A
Where are you from?: Ohio
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

I love your page. I think it is so cool how you care so much about mens power in the world today. I think this page if everyone man seen it would be really happy to see there is more men who care about Men Rights and Male Power. Bye now.

Bill Dragon - 12/30/99 12:21:17
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Pteroglyph
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Religion: Atheist
Sexuality: Homosexual
Political Affiliation: None
Where are you from?: St Paul
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yop.

Excellent site! Focused and easy to navigate. Good work

Joe Fox - 12/30/99 06:58:58
My URL:http://members.dynasty.net/peace
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Religion: Spiritualist
Sexuality: not straight
Political Affiliation: Libertarian
Where are you from?: Henderson, Ky.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I believe in People Power!!

WOW!!! I wish that I had my act together like you do, when I was your age. I don't agree with all of your views, but I am damn glad that you are taking a stand!! Thanks for visiting my pages, and for signing my guestbook, I am so impressed with you!! Peace, Joe

Lukus Baker - 12/29/99 20:26:55
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: IL
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes


Kat - 12/28/99 08:23:01
My URL:http://globalmotion-empire.com
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Religion: Somewhere between christianity and paganism...
Sexuality: Straight

Hi! I thought I'd stop by and take a look after reading the entry in my own guestbook. I am impressed with the maturity and insight of this website - I am not gay but I do believe in equality of everyone! I also believe we can use our websites to reach, educate, and inform others. So keep up the good work :)

Dandelion - 12/28/99 05:51:01
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/kozmik1/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: Really, really OLD!
Gender: Female
Religion: CM of OGD
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Political Affiliation: None... I do not have a taste for politics and *most* politicians, although I have heard that politicians are "crunchy and good with ketchup."
Where are you from?: The Lawn, silly... ;-)
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Absolutely!

Very, very nice... very, very well done! I like what you have to say... I believe in "Everybody Power!", myself, and it is nice to see you do, too! This was an enjoyable visit, no doubt, and I'm honored you invited me! I wish you every happiness!

Randy - 12/28/99 02:06:21
My URL:/CapitolHill/8679/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 49
Gender: Male
Religion: NP
Sexuality: hetero
Political Affiliation: Ind.
Where are you from?: All Over
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

Thanks for stopping by my site. I agree with you about Al. I would take a look at John McKain also. He is a good man with good ideas. I used to watch Bill play basketball at Princeton when I was a boy. If each of them is the candidate of their party we will see something in politics we have not seen in a long time. A choice. We will actually have to think about it instead of trying to figure out the lessor of two evils. I like your site. Its good to see that there are still people out there that think its ok to treat the sexes differently. I think there is a place for "Seperate But Equal" in this world.

Pioneer Grrrl - 12/26/99 16:59:08
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Religion: non-denominational
Sexuality: Ally
Political Affiliation: Liberal Democrat
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Sure

Neat page you have here. Glad to see you are also against that icky knight amendment. No matter how many times I run across them, it is difficult to believe there are some people who believe the constitution only grants them religious freedom. As I get older, I am more convinced this misunderstanding is responsible for a very large amount of the hatred that exists in our country.

malcolm miosge - 12/26/99 05:18:50
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 39
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi
Political Affiliation: who will do the job
Where are you from?: sydney australia
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

i found your site when i was running search on circumcision here in australia is as something wrong if you believe in it

Daniel - 12/25/99 23:20:02
Age: 14
Gender: male :-)
Religion: Irish Witta
Sexuality: Gay, gay,gay!!!
Where are you from?: Arizona
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Of course!

This is a Kewl page! :) And why didn't *I* think of "Dude Power"? hehe :)

tash - 12/24/99 16:49:18
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Where are you from?: Tasmania
Do you believe in Dude Power?: mm

enjoyed strolling through your pages

Carolyn Flores - 12/23/99 18:09:02
My URL:http://www.leswhaley.org
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Political Affiliation: None
Where are you from?: Portland, OR
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I think men are great, if that's what you mean.

Merry Christmas!

Emilee Sprigler - 12/22/99 00:54:00
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 17
Gender: female
Religion: roman catholic
Sexuality: hetero
Where are you from?: indiana
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sure

you are possibly the most sensible man i've ever had the pleasure of hearing from.

Emilee Sprigler - 12/22/99 00:50:52


Dennis - 12/21/99 16:13:50
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 39
Gender: male
Religion: none
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: democrat
Where are you from?: Madison, IL (across the river from St.Louis, MO
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

Love your site. You are a young man with great insite. Keep updating your men. Love the ones you have now in your gallery. You have a lot of important issues listed in your site, it's a shame that everyone can not read what you have to say. L8R Dennis

Dave - 12/20/99 23:38:34
My Email:[email protected]
Age: not to old
Gender: yes, male I think?
Religion: Hmmm
Sexuality: as often as poss.
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: my mother
Do you believe in Dude Power?: no

Going through your collition I didn't see one YOUNG boy nude. come on this is a side line from boy pics. isn't it ? It would be even better if some of the young boys had hard-on's, but that's another story.

Webmaster's Note: "Dude Power!" is not here for the sole purpose of displaying an abundance of Tits & Ass. It is here to portray the male gender in a positive light and to encourage males to have a healthy self-image. Sure, T&A is yummy, but my objective on the Internet is not exclusively to provide boner-inducing material. If you are here simply to find adult (R-rated or X-rated) content, then you've come to the wrong place.

Bill Russell - 12/17/99 18:41:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/BroadwayBill
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 37
Gender: male
Religion: recovering Catholic
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: San Jose, California
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Sounds good to me

Hi there... I just wanted you to know that your site is really something special. I can't believe someone so young is so intuitive and talented. Keep up the fantastic work. I wish you the best of luck in all you do. Looks like you have an incredible future ahead of you. Regards from BroadwayBill

mike - 12/11/99 22:01:34
My URL:http://home.pacbell.net/rangels
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: male
Religion: none
Sexuality: who knows
Political Affiliation: demo
Where are you from?: dublin
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yup

great sight

Eric - 12/02/99 22:22:09
My URL:/westhollywood/Parade/1690
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 24
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: Indiana
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

Nice page! Great to see such pride ... it gives me inspiration. Keep up the good work!

Paul Elliott - 12/02/99 11:41:23
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: MALE (i think)
Religion: my own
Sexuality: GAY
Political Affiliation: the cutest candidate
Where are you from?: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YEAH I SURE DO DUDE POWER RULES!!!!

This site is the best

Andy - 11/30/99 19:59:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mn/andynelson
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 21
Gender: Mmmmale
Religion: Novus Spiritus
Sexuality: Yes!
Political Affiliation: Don't get me started....
Where are you from?: Minneapolis
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yup.

Great page! In fact, one of the best pages I've seen in quite some time! Keep up the great work and pay me a visit sometime....

Latoya Taylor - 11/29/99 07:17:19
Age: 18
Gender: female
Religion: christian
Sexuality: heterosexual
Where are you from?: Brooklyn, NY

I agreed with the part I was reading especially coming from a male it was very impressive. It doesn't shock me though because there is always exceptions to the "rules" that society set. I now know a little more than I did yesterday.

Brian Cordova - 11/27/99 16:15:46
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/SpiritCir/blessedbrian/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Religion: Spiritual
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Not sure these days
Where are you from?: Dallas
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes, as I believe in Human Power

Please forgive me for signing twice as I wanted to add my URL. Keep up the great work.

Joe - 11/25/99 01:02:25
My URL:http://w3webmaster.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Religion: None
Sexuality: Homo
Political Affiliation: None
Where are you from?: Connecticut
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES

I need a Friend, Send me Info. I LOVE YOU!

- 11/23/99 10:51:59


chicamour - 11/20/99 06:41:10
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/peacefulpl/chicamour/chicamour.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: female
Religion: wiccan
Sexuality: lesbian
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: new jersey

kewl page ...

Randy - 11/19/99 00:43:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl/raw42/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 29
Gender: single white male
Religion: believe it or not, Catholic
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: democrat..
Where are you from?: Florida
Do you believe in Dude Power?: but of course!

This is a really awesome page I definitely have to recommend this one.

Jonathan Brooks - 11/15/99 20:20:57
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22 Taurus
Gender: Male the last time I checked
Religion: Militant Agnostic, I don't know, and YOU don't either!
Sexuality: gay homosexual
Political Affiliation: Democrat, though I lean towards who lies the best
Where are you from?: Birmingham, ALA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Absolutely!

A wonderful colorful opinionated website. This is a boy who obviously practices what he preaches and cute too. Take my advice, never fall by the wayside. You are still young, and you will be tempted to alter your views. Don't! Best wishes to you!

Jay - 11/15/99 11:28:53
My URL:/westhollywood/park/1143/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Religion: Methodist
Sexuality: one woman shy of gay
Where are you from?: NC
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes

Great site, Very informative keep up the good work.

cinatit1 - 11/15/99 08:44:49
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 30
Gender: male
Religion: nondenomanational
Sexuality: LMAo undecided
Political Affiliation: democratic, but we need reform
Where are you from?: born in Kentucky, live in IND.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES!

Your site is very cool, my best friend show me this link, and i like it. KEEP up the great work!

Paul Nash - 11/14/99 20:47:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl3/celebration2000
My Email:[email protected]
Where are you from?: Jacksonville, Florida

Karl Heinrich Ulrichs: 175 Years of Pride in 2000 First known Gay activist. An extraordinary Dude

Patrick - 11/12/99 09:59:42
My Email:magpat69
Age: 27
Gender: male
Religion: christian
Sexuality: straight
Political Affiliation: liberal
Where are you from?: U.S.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: all the way!

Very cool site and believe in it 100% :) Keep it going!

Erik - 11/11/99 00:10:02
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Vampyre625
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: male
Religion: Roman Catholic (mostly)
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: Libertarian (for right now anyway)
Where are you from?: Kennewick, WA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sure

Wow! This is a really nice site. I agree with with you on so many issues, it's amazing. Thanks for stopping by my site. :)

Dexter - 11/09/99 17:21:54
My URL:http://home.collegeclub.com/soybomb411/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: Tampa, Florida
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Hell YEAH!!!

Awesome webpage! I'm still at a point in my life where I am kinda out of the closet but still has one foot in it. Most of my friends know, but not my family. They'll find out eventually, but when I don't know yet. Keep up the good work with your webpage! DUDE POWER! SOYBOMB! Dexter

Payton - 11/08/99 12:31:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/augafa
Age: 21
Where are you from?: AK
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I am The Dude

Hey thought you were someone from work teasing me. They call me The Dude at work. Thanks for stopping by my page I just got back online maybe I'll update it and add better pics of all my tatts.

Carl - 11/05/99 05:29:14
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 39
Gender: male
Religion: n/a
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: democrat
Where are you from?: baltimore,md
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sounds great

Great page...you got the details in my e-mail. Keep up the good work!

Chris Stallworth - 11/04/99 17:45:21
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Religion: none
Sexuality: I like women
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: Arkansas
Do you believe in Dude Power?: As you define it, YES I DO

Nice site, interesting information. I agree with you on most, if not all that you have written. Yes I believe that men and women have it hard, just in different ways. The gender wars must end.

Jeremy - 11/02/99 05:46:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/djboy2
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: WI
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES

Nice site buddy. Thanks for signing my book and the book at the Main Club. Keep up the good work. Jeremy

Craig Michael - 10/31/99 16:41:07
My URL:http://coverboy01.tripod.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 30
Gender: male
Religion: christian
Sexuality: bisexual
Political Affiliation: n/a
Where are you from?: newport beach,California,but now living in alabama
Do you believe in Dude Power?: 100%

Just ISO making new friends

Mike Schaefer - 10/31/99 15:19:58
My URL:http://www.mikessite.net/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Where are you from?: Evansville IN
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

awesome page!

Daniel - 10/31/99 13:52:48
My URL:homestead.com/peleboy/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Religion: Agnostic
Sexuality: Homosexual
Political Affiliation: Extreme Liberal
Where are you from?: GF, ND
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Ummm, yeah?

Great page, and thanks for visiting mine! Dan

Bartender Don - 10/31/99 09:55:03
My Email:[email protected]
Age: young at heart
Gender: male
Religion: christian
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: Nashville,Tn.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

Great page Tony,you put alot of time in it and it shows.Thanks for sharing it with me and visiting my web site.You are a credit to the gay communitty and a VERY cute young man!! If you would,please add my tribute to HATE CRIME VICTIM " BARRY WINCHELL" . He is the Military soldier murdered @ Ft. Campbell KY./TN. by his fellow soldiers. Thanks again and keep up the good work! Your Web Neighbor...Bartender Don...

Angel-1 - 10/29/99 12:30:09
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Religion: It would take a page to explain...
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: none, though if hte libertarians actually had a shot...
Where are you from?: US

I thought it would be apropos to at least view your site, since you took the time to sign our guestbook. ;) I must say, I generally agree with what you've said here, much as Brenda did below, but like her, I think calling it either "dude power" *or* "girl power" is the wrong angle. i'm not sure what to call it really, except maybe "person power" but then i've never been one for labels anyway. ;) *hugs* to you, and thanks for articulating what many of us think.

Bill - 10/29/99 10:00:00
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/A-Newcomer/MyJourney/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 38
Gender: Hunk
Sexuality: Gay
Where are you from?: Poughkeepsie, NY
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yep

Hey Dude!, great site!!!

Michael - 10/28/99 02:36:59
My URL:/westhollywood/Heights/2928/index.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Religion: Practicing Agnostic
Sexuality: Confused
Political Affiliation: Even More Confused :)
Where are you from?: MT, USA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yeah, I do!

A great page dude. Thank's for adding me to your links and I shall do the same.I like your philosophy, it would be great if we were all able to sit down and talk about all this "stuff." Keep uo the great work, it is needed and appreceiated! Michael

Cam - 10/27/99 05:02:06
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/CaptUltra/CamsPlace
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 32 (for now)
Gender: Male
Religion: Agnostic
Sexuality: Gay/Queer/Homo/whatever you want to call it
Political Affiliation: no political affiliation
Where are you from?: Red Wing, MN
Do you believe in Dude Power?: As it relates to Person Power, yes

Great site, Tony! You have a very wise outlook on life for one so young. This bode well for the future of this planet. Keep up the great work & have fun changing the world!!

Small Town Boy - 10/27/99 02:01:35
My URL:/westhollywood/4073
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Sexuality: Gay -- 100% unadulterated
Political Affiliation: Republican
Where are you from?: Oneonta, NY
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes, awesome belief in dude power!!!!

I absolutely love your site. I am goint to bookmark it and come back to it again. Great, great, great. Thanks for visiting me. Will link you to me too.

Michael - 10/27/99 01:42:26
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~mikeljns/main2.html
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Where are you from?: Gulfport MS
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yes!!!

Tony, first let me thank you for the link. I am the creator of WanBeKweer's, and it was an honor to see my site listed in your Gay Homepages. As for "Dude Power", you make a great deal of valid points to ponder. I've never considered myself a masculinist, but after reading your pages, I might want to reconsider. Thanks for the enlightenment, and keep up the good work. Michael:-)

Jay - 10/26/99 23:58:06
My URL:/SouthBeach/Reef/9179/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 38
Gender: male
Religion: Catholic
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Independent
Where are you from?: Syracuse,N.Y.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES

Tony, I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed the information in your pages. It is remarkable how much you and I think alike. Take Care Buddy, Jay

Jay - 10/26/99 23:56:50
My URL:/SouthBeach/Reef/9179/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 38
Gender: male
Religion: Catholic
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Independent
Where are you from?: Syracuse,N.Y.
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES

Tony, I just wanted to tell you that I enjoyed the information in your pages. It is remarkable how much you and I think alike. Take Care Buddy, Jay

Jim - 10/26/99 22:28:21
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Daringer/DARINGERSFUNNIES
My Email:[email protected]
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Where are you from?: Indianapolis,In
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES!!

Most Excelent Page!!! I added your WebPage to my WebPage List..Thanks Jim

Ian - 10/26/99 21:06:22
My URL:http://i.am/ian2
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 28
Gender: male
Sexuality: male ;)
Political Affiliation: DP Youth
Where are you from?: South Africa
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yip

In the name of the values that keep u alive, do not let your vision be distorted by the cowardly, the mindless in those who have never achieved his title. Do not lose your knowledge that man's proper estate is an upright posture, an instransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads (Ayn Rand) C@@l, strong site - a guy with guts and commitment - u live up 2 the above!

Mike Jasper - 10/26/99 19:30:19
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 45
Gender: male
Religion: methodist
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: work in Eau Claire, live up north
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sure

I just want you to know I feel refreshed seeing such a neat webpage from such a young person who isn't afraid to come out of the closet. I also want you to know you can have a wonderful, fulfillng life as a gay man.- email me . I am an avid runner, weightlifter, biker. You may have seen me running through the campus. I like to run up Garfield hill f r leg strength. I love movies, travel, dancing, and exercising. your web site is great.

Mike Jasper - 10/26/99 19:27:19
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 45
Gender: male
Religion: methodist
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: west central wisconsin
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sure

I just want you to know I feel refreshed seeing such a neat webpage from such a young person who isn't afraid to come out of the closet. I also want you to know you can have a wonderful, fulfillng life as a gay man.- email me

Jim - 10/26/99 13:12:23
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Religion: God
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: ???????
Where are you from?: Nashville, TN
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES

I really love your "Dude Power" webpage. I feel the same as you on your issues and I will tell more people bout your webpage and hopefully your page will help make people understand the words "Equal Rights"!

Neil - 10/24/99 15:35:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/outproudly
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 50
Gender: male
Religion: Christian
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Republican
Where are you from?: Colorado
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Mostly

Well put together site, Tony. While I can't say I agree with everything you said, you have said it very well. Thanks for signing my guestbook. Neil

C�dric - 10/21/99 18:07:22
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/cedric_s_pad
Age: 16
Gender: hehehe
Religion: hehehe
Sexuality: hohohoho
Where are you from?: France
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yup yup

HELLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Your site is great!!! i haven't all understood, but i will come back later for read it better hehehe Thanx for sign my book! HUGS!!!

Sean - 10/14/99 04:01:16
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Where are you from?: NJ

I like your page... i followed the "about me" section the best... =)

TJ - 10/11/99 20:35:36
My URL:/westhollywood/1562
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 17
Gender: male
Sexuality: GAY
Where are you from?: PA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: maybe

thought i check your page out dude and sign your book like you did mine. well take it easy. TJ

carl - 10/07/99 22:19:38
My URL:http://www.users.uswest.net/~asuboy269
My Email:[email protected]

Hi, thanks for signing my guestbook! I checked out your page and you are cute!

Peter - 10/07/99 05:00:26
My URL:http://www.gay.ch/peti
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 38
Political Affiliation: free
Where are you from?: Switzerland

You have a good page, a little bit difficult for all ppl dosnt speak english as the first language. But i will come back. Thanks for linking my page in your favorites.

Tim Davies - 10/06/99 03:20:26
My URL:/Broadway/Wing/8293/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 21
Religion: um...um...
Sexuality: GAY
Political Affiliation: I vote for the cutest candidate. :-) j/k
Where are you from?: Grove City, PA
Do you believe in Dude Power?: If you're asking if I want to dress up like the Spice Girls and start a band then the answer is definitely YES

Hi Tony. Very cool site, I hope you keep it up. And I'll keep visiting as long as you keep updating! :-)

David Gay - 10/04/99 02:53:17
My URL:http://www.interlog.com/~moggie
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Religion: Agnostic
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Political Affiliation: Individualist
Where are you from?: Toronto Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: No, I believe in Individual Power

Great page. While I feel we should all be viewed as individuals first, and not create a second "-ist" suffixed group to counter the feminist movement, you do bring up some good arguments. I just feel however we need to understand we are individual human b ings first and that we can see more common traits when dealing with each person individually.

Brian Cordova - 10/03/99 23:05:19
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 40
Gender: male
Religion: A Course In Miracles (I prefer "spirituality")
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: democrat
Where are you from?: Dallas
Do you believe in Dude Power?: yes

Great website. I found it through your signing the guestbook at "godlovesfags". I believe in "Dude Power" because I believe in "Human Power". I think your site is part of the great healing taking place in the Earth today. Many blessings to you, as wel as to the rest of my brothers and my sisters. Many blessings to All!

GREG - 10/03/99 07:37:18
My URL:/westhollywood/1064
My Email:[email protected]
Age: yes
Gender: male
Religion: hummmmm
Sexuality: gay
Political Affiliation: cwntre-left
Where are you from?: Toronto
Do you believe in Dude Power?: have to think on it

interesting site man...look forward to your new photo...thx for s'g my GB...cheers

C.S. Roundell - 10/03/99 05:04:41
My URL:/sarnia_guy
My Email:[email protected]
Age: twenty something
Gender: male
Religion: combination of many
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Canadian Liberal Party
Where are you from?: Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: definitely

Very interesting and intelligent site. Consider me a member of "Dude Power Movement". I wish you luck with your education.

Brenda - 10/02/99 17:30:00
My URL:http://www.undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca/~bafine/
Age: 21
Where are you from?: Waterloo

Thanks for signing my book, and for inviting me. I don't think you're anti-woman or anything; I think that you just don't want either men or women to be forced into roles they don't want just because of their gender. I don't think that there should be dis inctions in the law or in society based strictly on sex: harassment is harassment, no matter who's doing it, as is rape, a good firefighter is a good firefighter no matter what the gender, as is a good parent, and so on. A kid who needs help is a kid who needs help, whether that kid belongs to an at-risk group or not. Consequently, I can't support the notion of 'dude power' any more than I support 'girl power', though I agree with the part of your message that I've read. Anyway, I can definitely see that you're not a male supremicist, so I'm cool with that :) I'll stop by sometime later to see what you've added - B

Anthony - 10/02/99 17:13:41
My URL:/westhollywood/heights/2043
My Email:[email protected]
Gender: Male
Sexuality: GAY
Where are you from?: Dallas
Do you believe in Dude Power?: I'm a DUDE!

HI! Oh I love the theme and layout of your web page! Hugs to you!

Sam - 10/02/99 07:09:10
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: Canada
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Absolutely

I really share your belief in dude power and I love the links on this site. Keep up the good work.

y2kboy - 09/30/99 13:51:26
My URL:/westhollywood/cafe/2618
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 25
Gender: male
Religion: My own
Sexuality: Gay --Strictly Dickly--
Political Affiliation: none
Where are you from?: Florida
Do you believe in Dude Power?: sure

Cool site...thanx for visiting mine.

Brent Stewart - 09/28/99 03:25:13
My URL:/westhollywood/7364/
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 21
Gender: male
Religion: catholic
Sexuality: gay
Where are you from?: Austin, TX

LOL! After the questionaire I don't know what else to say :-P Great site. Very well done and losts of great information about you and your views of life. I enjoyed it.

Mike - 09/26/99 03:21:04
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 33
Gender: All Male
Sexuality: All Gay
Political Affiliation: not affiliated with any politician :)
Where are you from?: Massachusetts
Do you believe in Dude Power?: Yup

Got to say your page is great. I love the way you are outlining your thoughts and feelings. You have definately thought this out for yourself. I will be reading more and learning more of what you say. If I finish all the pages tonight do I get a Kiss? :)

Jason - 09/07/99 04:27:07
My URL:http://moviesetc.8m.com
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Sexuality: Straight
Political Affiliation: undecided
Where are you from?: Georgia
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES!!

Very nice creation!! GREAT idea!! Keep up the good work!!

Jason - 09/07/99 04:26:14
My URL:http://moviesetc.8m.com (that's the only one with my real name on it, you know the others ;-) )
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Sexuality: Straight
Political Affiliation: undecided
Where are you from?: Georgia
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES!!

Very nice creation!! GREAT idea!! Keep up the good work!!

Tony (aka "Devon") - 09/03/99 03:28:13
My URL:/westhollywood/castro/3242
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Religion: Polytheist (Pagan)
Sexuality: Gay
Political Affiliation: Reform Party
Where are you from?: Wisconsin
Do you believe in Dude Power?: YES!!!!

I sure hope I don't end up being the only one who signs my guestbook!

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