talk and stuff...

I like clothes, papers, history, ideas, people, lesbian/ womens rights. I love women, as a lesbian I call myself 'femme'. Isn't it awfull (but yet fun) to be said to be something ? It's like 'hej yo, you looks like a must be one...' Well, I do like to wear skirts and dresses. Makeup is something I seldom wear, but it is not for some political reson or to fit in more in the lesbian society. The truth is that I am alergic to it.

femme friendly Links,-)

  • a test if you like to know if you are as femme as you think. Do remember it is for fun :-)
  • Plight of the femme by Newman Read it and then send me your thougts...
  • a story about how it all begun

    Hi...nice to see that there are more cat's out here in the big dark cyberspace.I would like to tell you a short story:

    Once upon a time there was a big yellow house in the woods. In this house lived a big black and white cat, nor male or female, called Mau ( he talked a lot). Two sweet kittens, Miss Selma and MissZorba also lived and played in the house. And of course they had a dog for company and gard, he was called Lidus. Mostly he played with the dog next door. Out in the meadow king Bappe, a sheep, ruled over his two babes(at least he thougth so). In the spring some lambs came by but they did leave in the autumn. No one knew where or why they left, it was just the way of things...

    One day there came a new pup to the a proud, good looking cat I can't stand her. Ada takes all the attention from me. She also likes to hunt me and my sister, not that I care about Selma but...I think Ada is a bit stupid. When i hizzz or grawrrrlsss at her, she just looks happy. Really, I don't understand why she is here...

    Zorba...what do you mean by taking over like this ? I was just out for a snack...

    Well I am back. Isn't it just like a cat to do something like that ?!? The story is true, but it does change by the storyteller. My beloved iabusch and I do live there to. Sometimes we feel that the only thing the animals wants us for is for food and comfort.

    a cat sight that Zorba likes, mostly for the logo I think

  • madkats
  • If I am not working with some school essay/ paper, reading a book or cuddle in my loved ones arms I'm out here in cyberspace, reading papers and looking at outher peoples homepages...especially if they are full off life.

    A woman that really is full off life and lives it are 'hoteaded paisan'. I love her...the world cud be a better place if every one said yes to the hothead inside...

    To say yes to the hothead inside is for me to stop talking and start acting, in short to live a true life.

    a true life...

    is to be the way you wan't to be. In my case it means to say yes to the clothes I wan't to wear, to eat things that makes me feel good etc no matter what some one else thinks.

    But it also are the strenght to have the guts to say no to things that are wrong.

    Ouer lives is here and now, I do'nt think that there are going to be a second chanse after this...or if it is, there surtenly isn't many people there how have been sitting like vegatables all there life.

    This Butch-Femme WebRing site owned by Cecci.
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    my pages...

    a page about 'femme' and some outher stuff and talk.
    Mina tankar om saker och ting, du kanske skulle kalla det f�r dagbok. Uppdateras st�ndigt.
    The Yellow house
    pictures from the big yellow house in the woods
    H�r �terfinns samtliga l�nkar som f�rekommer p� mina sidor, samt n�gra till. Uppdateras med j�mna mellan rum.
    a page for search hunting in the big dark cyberspace

