So glad you could check out my site. While it's a little bit rough, I think I've got a handle on things. Okay, so I could use a little more organization. Who couldn't? Feel free to pass along your suggestions. Con tructive criticism is always welcome.

07/26/99 18:53:51
Name: Myra Schwartz Herrmann My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: yes Did you find any information on my site to help you?: yes Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: no
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: not gay/lesbian

Wendi - I can't believe that I found your website. I was searching through the von Steuben Alumni website just for the hell of it and found you. I haven't heard from anyone from the old neighborhood forever. Glad to hear that you are doing so well and still oving dogs. I'm in San Diego and as you can see from my name I got married. My mom passed away last September Please drop a line, I'd love to hear from you. Myra

06/27/99 16:33:37
Name: Doreen Gill My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: yes! I like all the links. Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: I will in Septemeber when they have the parade in Dallas. Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: yes--mom--very supportive, dad--haven't spoken to each other in over 10 yrs
What is your favorite gay website?: Lezlinks

cool page! loved the all the links.

09/03/98 16:41:36
Name: Mic My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: absolutely Did you find any information on my site to help you?: absolutely Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: absolutely not
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: absolutely, absolutely supportive What is your favorite gay website?: this one!!!! How can I improve my website?: add my picture, LOL


07/10/98 00:42:29
Name: Sidney My URL: Visit Me
Did you enjoy my website?: It is wonderfull! Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: I was in wisconsin for Gay Pride this year I have been in the parade the last 2 years
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: I am out and I no longer speak to my family my sister tried to take my kids my folks are just hatefull What is your favorite gay website?: I am just starting to find out about this stuff so I guess I don't have a fave yet


05/11/98 02:21:22
Name: Carol Salber My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: yes Did you find any information on my site to help you?: yes Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: in philly
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: sorry straight

I am going to tell my good friend about your site if you don't mind.I think they would enjoy it.I am very pleased to have come across this site.Keep in touch if you come across any pet thing let my know Carol

03/31/98 14:19:06
My URL: Visit Me


02/07/98 07:23:37
My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Did you enjoy my website?: yes
Did you find any information on my site to help you?: no Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: no Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: yes
What is your favorite gay website?: don't really have one


01/26/98 05:42:27
Name: Arieschic My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: yeppers! Did you find any information on my site to help you?: of course Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: hell yeah...the night time theme was kewl
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: no way! What is your favorite gay website?:

Your page is way neat-o! And i'm glad to hear someone else admitting to listening to Stevens and Pruett..(er, not that I do...). Just thought I'd say hi!! Aries

01/16/98 05:16:17
Name: marti My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: Yes, good links to dog stuff. Did you find any information on my site to help you?: Yes, how to get more info on creating own web site. I want to start one about wolfdogs to inprove the current ones. Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: NA
What is your favorite gay website?: This was my first time!

I was suprised at your achievements with cyberspace.

01/13/98 23:17:27
Name: Lee Fredrickson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: Of course! Did you find any information on my site to help you?: let me finally track you down! Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: Uh, wife wouldn't let me : )
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: Only out I've been is OUTSIDE! What is your favorite gay website?: Yours, of course How can I improve my website?: No clue...don't even have one myself!

Wendi: You delightful wenchbag, friend of mine! Where the hell have you been? Been trying to find you for the last couple of years, and here you are! Send me some email, and let's take it from there. Lee (FRED!)

11/02/97 22:48:12
Name: Hilma My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: Yes!! Very Much Did you find any information on my site to help you?: Yes... lots of interesting Dog sites, Funny Lesbian test! Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: Yes
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: Yes, I told them a few years ago.. they said they knew.. my mom is ok with it as long as I am not too out in front of her... My dad says he is ok.. I know he isn't What is your favorite gay website?: Planet out How can I improve my website?: More Taxi pictures!!

Great Job Wen!!!!!!! :)

11/01/97 23:44:39
Name: Kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: Great! Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: no-should have Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: yes-coming around
What is your favorite gay website?: planetout

Thanks for sending me your link!!

10/20/97 16:01:27
Name: Adriana My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: yeah Did you find any information on my site to help you?: yeap Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: of course
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: yeah, they were kind of upset at first, but they got over it. What is your favorite gay website?: don't know yet How can I improve my website?: don't know yet


09/27/97 21:17:39
Name: golda
My URL: Visit Me


08/21/97 21:05:13 GMT
Name: Sargina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: yes..! Did you find any information on my site to help you?: Yes... Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: sure did..
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: I am and they are fine with my choice. What is your favorite gay website?: all of them... How can I improve my website?: looks good to me...


08/21/97 21:04:19 GMT
Name: Sargina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: yes..! Did you find any information on my site to help you?: Yes... Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: sure did..
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: I am and they are fine with my choice. What is your favorite gay website?: all of them... How can I improve my website?: looks good to me...


08/21/97 21:03:39 GMT
Name: Sargina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: yes..! Did you find any information on my site to help you?: Yes... Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: sure did..
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: I am and they are fine with my choice. What is your favorite gay website?: all of them... How can I improve my website?: looks good to me...


08/14/97 14:15:30 GMT
Name: Dana Ellen Pirulli My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Did you enjoy my website?: yes Did you find any information on my site to help you?: yes Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: yes
Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: yes...they're trying to get used to it What is your favorite gay website?: don't know yet


08/09/97 23:54:44 GMT
Name: LadyHartz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Did you enjoy my website?: Yes..very much so!!


07/06/97 14:59:00 GMT
Name: Wen My URL: Visit Me Did you enjoy my website?: Yes
Did you find any information on my site to help you?: Yes Did you attend Gay Pride this year?: Yes Are you out to your family and if so, how did/do they react?: They're great about it. I have a terrific father
What is your favorite gay website?: Dunno How can I improve my website?: It's perfect

You done good, Wendi.

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