Helen of Troy . . . blessed or cursed?

"Beauty!" said Mr. Satterthwaite to himself. "There is such a thing. Not charm, nor attraction, nor magnetism, nor any of the things we talk about so glibly — just sheer beauty. The shape of a face, the line of an eyebrow, the curve of a jaw."
Have you ever stopped to consider how you define beauty?

Simple lines, simple curves. I always found the artwork of Patrick Nagel to be especially compelling. His best known work was probably the cover art for the 1982 Duran Duran album "Rio", and his illustrations in Playboy magazine. His style is unmistakeable. He always was able to say so much with so little — inspired by Japanese block prints, I read once, and it shows. Some people may think his work is cheesy and shopping-mallish, but I don't think that's the case. He was a real talent, and had a great eye for composition and design.

However, I don't think he painted any redheads, which are my weakness, anyhow. Girodet and Gerome did, though . . . :)

As for redheads, well, we've got: Gates McFadden. Gillian Anderson. Alicia Witt from Cybill. Kristen Johnston (I think of her as a redhead because she sure has the attitude of one; if only she'd make my dreams come true and do the dye). Granted, not just any redhead can make the cut. The redhead in Suddenly Susan has a certain quality about her that turns me off. And the redhead on NewsRadio (sometimes I'm bad with names!) is cute, but doesn't really do anything for me. Who knows what my peculiar mental qualifications are, really....