using universal energy

Magic is little more than utilizing the universal energy available to you. Prayer is magic. Meditation is magic. And it works. I know this because it has worked for me.

Back in the summer of 1995 (it must have been late August or early September) I did a very informal spell ritual — so informal that I didn't realize until the circle had been cast that I'd forgotten the libations (food and drink to offer)! Well, I decided to welcome the love goddess, Aphrodite, to my circle. I had a pink candle (in a heart shape, from my sister's wedding), had some special homemade love incense to burn. It was a full moon, I believe, and, as per usual, I didn't follow any scripted verse. I did write a short spell — nothing more than a physical manifestation on paper of my general desire for love, and for love to find my friends and family and make them happy, for the good of all and the harm of none. I came away from the ritual feeling very positive and happy.

A very short time afterwards a friend of mine became a daily prescence in my life once again after many busy months away organizing her own life. To make a long story short, and without going into too many sordid details, let's just say that the Goddess was kind to me in bringing me love in the form of this friend.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

— William Shakespeare, Hamlet