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writer_mike is a technical and freelance writer living in Washington, DC.

Life/Work Experience: Mike has worked many types of jobs during his life. Starting as an attendant at Jones Beach State park in the seventies, he's been a law librarian, records manager, actor and model, bartender, and catering sales manager. He's helped manage a guesthouse on Cape Cod, worked as a concessionaire on Broadway in New York City, and finally wound up as a professional technical and freelance writer today. He has lived in - or spent many, many hours visiting - a lot of the world's great Gay places, including Provincetown, Massachusetts; Greenwich village, Chelsea, and Fire Island in New York; Key West, Florida; and San Francisco, California.  Note that one of his favorite gay places is New Orleans -- though he's never actually lived there!

Academic: Mike studied English Literature and Theater (performing arts) at Hofstra University (where he co-founded the first Gay group, Hofstra United Gays, during the early seventies. Years later he completed a publication specialist program at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. During his tenure at numerous positions following that, he became adept in many computer software and desktop publishing applications. Often, when he isn't writing and just being Gay, he dabbles in HTML and SGML. By night, Mike is a rather dashing fellow with a great sense of humor and a laptop (computer, that is) so he can take writer_mike's world with him whenever he chooses.

From Mike: If I had my druthers there would be no need for gay-specific web sites. Gay people and straight people and bisexual people and transgendered people would live in perfect harmony -- and I could give up this gig and go write for Hollywood. But, hey, someone needs to be the magnet that will bring homosexuals - and the people who love them - together. I'll do the grunt work, you go ahead and be the glue that will make this all work. I'm going to need your support, encouragement, ideas, and whatnot. Just let me know what you need and I'll do my best to provide it for you here at writer_mike's world.