Negative Comments by Visitors to This Site (anonymous)

October 18, 1998
"I pray that for your sake God has mercy on your soul. You are a sick, sick person who needs God in their life. You don't know God and you certainly aren't a Christian. Ask God to forgive you and He will spare your soul. Otherwise, He will turn His back on you because you have led so many astray. I will pray for you."

October 8, 1998
"You will have to stand before God for ignoring His Truth, and Him. If you love Jesus, you will keep his commandments. You have to know in your own heart that sex outside of marriage is a sin, and also that homosexuality is a sin. In fact, you either have to accept Jesus Word, or you are not accepting Him. You will not spend eternity with Him, if you continue in your sin. I am praying for you, that the Holy Spirit of God will show you your sins, and convict you of them, you do not repent (turn away, renounce as sin), and ask for forgiveness from God. The Bible says that scripture is not for private interpretation, but rather that one scripture is interpreted by another, which is not what you are trying to do. It wont work. If you want to know God, you have to come to Him on His terms. He is God, and you are not."
October 2, 1998
"May God forgive you and show you great mercy for the souls you have misled and encouraged into a life of sin. The Bible is very, very clear on the topic of homosexuality- in numerous passages described as sin. Not once does the Bible discuss homosexuality in a positive light. Marriage is defined only one way- male/female. In fact, in every instance of the definition of "one flesh union" (even in Jesus words), there is always ONE immutable characteristic: male/female, husband/wife. The Bible says: "to avoid fornication, let EVERY man have his own wife, and EVERY woman have her own husband." In other words, if a person cannot remain celibate, the ONLY option is heterosexual marriage. "Every" means EVERY. There are numerous Biblical passages giving relationship guidance: Husbands to wives, Wives to husbands, Children to parents, but literally NOTHING about husbands/husbands, or wives/wives. Because those kinds of relationships are not God's intent. May God show mercy on you, and "perchance give you repentance through the knowledge of the truth"(2Tim 2:25) Jesus said God's Word was Truth, in John 17:17."
September 26, 1998
"I was shocked and also deeply saddened to read in your pages that "the only purity that mattered to Jesus was purity of heart". If that were true, then Jesus convicted me of the error and sin of my own promiscuity for nothing more than a cheap thrill on His part; and I guess on the part of the woman caught in adultery as well. Since Jesus tells us that we are members of His Body, I find it very unlikely that He would care not as to how we honoured our bodies. I recently read "A Strong Delusion" by Joe Dallas. I found it firm, loving and most importantly true it Scripture."
September 17, 1998
"GOD is truly a GOD of love. GOD made all of his children in HIS perfect sight. When GOD created the earth he made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! God does not have it so that you are born gay. Yes GOD says love thy neighbor, but that doesn't mean love the lifestyle. If someone is going to interpret or try to interpret seek GOD first. Remember: "Seek ye first the Kingdom of GOD." GOD is also not a God of confusion. He meant every bit of what he said in his word. Homosexuality is wrong! God doesn't sugar coat it or nothing! Its in his word. Go look it up. If you're going to research GOD's word do it right. Don't misinterpret GOD's words. He doesn't need anybody to add anything on or take anything away. Its powerful right by itself!! GOD BLESS YOU!!!"
April 26, 1998
"I am shocked that you would say such things? It is true that God looks at the heart, but not to see whether or not you love somebody it is to see whether or not you trust and believe God's promise that you are righteous through Christ suffering, death, and ressurection. And truth be made known if Christ was all about love what happened when he was angered by the moneychangers and threw them out of the temple. Christ was confronting sin and showing that they were sinning against God. The Bible is to be used for correction, reproof, and training in righteousness and that is what you are doing when you tell a homosexual that he is sinning. By doing this you are showing Christian love towards them, pointing out the truth to them and letting the Holy Spirit work faith in their hearts so that they may enjoy the wonderful blessings of heaven!"
January 17, 1998
"It is amazing to me how a person can call themselves "Christians" when Jesus and His Apostles condemned homosexual practice. I pray that "those who practice such things"(Gal. 5; I Cor 6) will repent and obey the Gospel of Christ that you might serve the Lord separate from Satan's realm. One cannot continue to practice homosexuality and go to Heaven. It is not congenital, or genetic. God would not command repentance for something that was innate. I have no less love for you than I do for drunkards, liars, or theives but they cannot continue to practice wickedness. I hope you will have the courage to change!"

Introduction Bible interpretation Leviticus Sodom Romans 1 Corinthians What Jesus Had to Say What is Human Sexuality and What is Normal? Conclusions Links Comments

[email protected] Ronda DeVold
last updated 10-23-98