
Here are a variety of links that I have found that relate to this subject and seem to provide some good information.

Answers to your questions about sexual orientation and homosexualtiy

by the American Psychological Association

The Bible and Homosexuality

an excellent analysis of the topic

But Doesn't the Bible Condemn Homosexuality?

Can a Homosexual Remain a Christian?

Christian and Gay

Churches and Religious Organizations for Gays and Lesbians

Do Homosexuals Need to be Healed of their Homosexuality?

"Healing" Homosexuality

Homosexuality: Common Questions & Statements Adressed

Homosexuality in the new testament: conservative and liberal views

How can someone be both Christian and homosexual?

by Rev. Dan Geslin

Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Catholic Handbook

many links on various topics and issues

PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

national site for the organization with links for local chapters

Romans.. when is homosexuality wrong?

Romans 1: The Christian Testament Text on Homosexuality

Romans, Paul and nature, What does the bible really say about homosexuality?

Seven Things I Wish Anti-Gay People Would Admit

(a response to "seven things I wish pro-gay people would admit")
very interesting side by side comparison

TAG 2000

Truths for those who seek

What the bible says about homosexuality

a consise paper on the subject

What the bible says about homosexuality

numerous pages and consise analysis

What should be rejected of homosexuality

Whosoever: An online magazine for gay, lesbian and bisexual Christians

Frequently asked questions

Introduction Bible interpretation Leviticus Sodom Romans 1 Corinthians What Jesus Had to Say What is Human Sexuality and What is Normal? Conclusions Links Comments

[email protected] Ronda DeVold
last updated 12-6-97