Positive Comments by Visitors to This Site (anonymous)

October 9, 1998
"I saw your page and checked it out. I don't know why I even bothered at first because I was expecting the usual condemnation usually seen from the religious right. It has always been so hard for me to see the venom and hate towards people born this way. I commend you for you insite and intelligent comments on this subject. Why don't we see more of this logic and reasoning from people who call themselves Christians? I just had to write to you and thank you. I am going to print your web page to give to my cousin at the appropriate moment. It really has given me hope for the Christian world to see the love and reason and truth behind what you wrote."

September 20, 1998
"I'm impressed from my initial investigation of this site and will return to it. I have a couple of comments regarding the Romans 1 passages. Paul's primary theme is the evil of idolatry and he simply innumerates some behaviors that can follow from it. Since ritual male prostitution was a common feature of the "Great Mother" cults (Cybele, Astarte, Isis, Artemis, Ishtar were regional varieties), I believe there is, perhaps, a more direct linkage between Paul's writing and the Leviticus passages. Both Lev. and Rom. involve a preoccupation with not becoming contaminated by alien religious ideas and practices. It is also interesting that for Roman readers the most immediate example of idolatry would be their own emperor's self-diefication. Nero was depicted as being homosexual and allegedly even had a lad he was in love with castrated so he could "marry" him as a "woman." Paul may have been knowingly venturing into politically dangerous ground, using a homosexual theme (with abusive overtones) to allude to Nero-worship as being a conspicuous example of idolatry. For Roman readers, the connection may have been obvious. Words seldom stand entirely alone. They resonate from the experience brought to them by their readers. Roman readers may well have felt horror from the mention of homosexual acts within a religious context because of the sensationally lurid and grisly example of the priests of Cybele. These fellows worked themselves into a frenzy that culminated in self-castration. Thereafter, they wore female attire and acted as ritual prostitutes, providing the worshipper with a surrogate connection with the goddess. All of this gives "against nature" new meaning. There might also be a subtle invitation going on to compare the scandalous and drastic example of genital mutilation with the mild form - circumcision. In Romans 2:27 Paul writes that "by nature" (physiken kresin, again!) Gentiles are not circumcised (and later he makes clear that this is just fine). Perhaps he is saying, "Jews, in making so much of their custom of circumcision as a mark of belonging to God's people, may be guilty of a sort of religious fetishism that is not entirely unrelated to the forms of idolatry they condemn! In "worshipping" the forms of their religion they may be missing its substance and therefore be guilty of a form of idolatry, themselves."
September 5, 1998
"Thank You for this GREAT site!!! I saved it in my favorites!!! file."
August 21, 1998
"I very much appreciate the intelligence and compassion that you pour into this issue. VERY slowly, I believe attitudes are changing. Old George Bush was part of an older genertion, but he used the phrase "kinder and gentler America." It had better be an ideal and an ever-important objective to pursue tru kindness and gentlenes and compassion, or we might as well give up on any Christ-like-ness in the public arena. I like the verse Ephesians 4:32. Also, the old-testament phrase, repeated so many times again and again throughout the Hebrew scriptures "loving kindness and tender mercies." Do we want the cruelties of a modern day (but very Dark Ages) inquisition under intolerant political zealots? I don't."
August 21, 1998
"I think this is an absolutely wonderful website . . .keep up the good work! G-d Bless and Take Care."
July 31, 1998
"I cannot tell you how much a relief it was to hear someones' perspective on Homosexuality and it not be a condeming "spirit". I am a pracicing Lesbian and I have quite a few christian friends who are continually telling me that I am going to hell for my lifestyle. I believe that true love is genderless, therefore why does society put such strict sexual stigmas on ourselves. We need to break down the walls of homophobia and stereotypes!!!"
July 24, 1998
"I've enjoyed and have been intrigued by many of the commentaries offered. The views are insightful and provocative, though I find some of the biblical "justifications" highly debatable. Nevertheless, you're providing a valuable (and much needed!) outlet for gay Christians. This site has been a blessing for me personally especially as it provides an avenue to fellowship with my gay brothers and sisters in Christ. Keep up the good work!"
June 19, 1998
"I appreciated your in-depth study and summaries. I am struggling right now, in a somewhat fundamental church... I have lots of questions, and you addressed many of them for me. Wondering, how did you come to the conclusion that Paul in Romans and Corn was basically ethically neutral? I did not quite follow. I am still carrying a lot of "shame" from the church perspective and am struggling to develop new perspectives that would seem to be where I am at. I liked what you had to say about the "sin" issue. I am not quite there yet, still have friends in the church who keep telling me its a sin, and can't believe that I am not bothered by shows like Ellen. I am not about to cast my pearls before swine yet."
June 11, 1998
"Your thoughts are interesting and provoking which made me write. What I have to say on the matter is this...those saying that homosexuality is a sin must look and understand their bible from which they get their bias. First, one must understand that the bible was written by man and word of mouth (not by God himself) which you elaberate. In addition, one must understand that the gospels of the bible were written long after the birth and crucifiction of Christ. One knows in common day that what is originally said is far from what the end result may be. So what is written may have the bias and interpretation of many men/women that "told" the story or information before it was written. Second, when looking at the bible, we must look for those words that supposedly came from God himself which includes the ten commandments. In the commandments, as far as I can tell, does not say "Thou shalt not be homosexual" nor "Thou shalt no hate homosexuals." Instead, the commandments read "Thou shall love thy neighbor." In my intrepetation, that means everyone! Am I reading things wrong?"
May 23, 1998
"I think that your site is great. I am a new resident in the Wellesley Neighborhood who has a homepage that deals with a couple of issues including being a Lesbian and a christian at the same time."
February 4, 1998
"Thank you so much for your page. I have printed out all the material you have given and will study it more closely. I have never had a problem or conflict between my beliefs and my being gay .. but then again had never really given it much thought. I knew that I loved the Lord and He loved me .. so no conflict. The only problem I had was with others. I didn't know what to say to them or how to express some of my feelings. All I knew was that God made me and He loved me .. that has always been good enough for me. Thank you again and may God richly bless you. In Christ's Love.."
January 29, 1998
"Great page! I feel that the truth about being gay and lesbian needs to be sent out to the world. I further encourage those out of the closet to know that because you come out doesn't mean you throw God out also. He has been with you before and will be with you always. I encourage folks to go deep within your soul and find out who is telling the truth. Know this for certain, the Spirit of God is moving amongst the gay community and will not be stopped in any means. Thanks and God bless you all! :) In Christ..."
January 3, 1998
"I read a LARGE portion of your page and throughly enjoyed it............ perhaps I can read the rest of it when time permits. Thank you for your insight....... and the kind words and thoughts you shared ! In Christ's Love.."

Introduction Bible interpretation Leviticus Sodom Romans 1 Corinthians What Jesus Had to Say What is Human Sexuality and What is Normal? Conclusions Links Comments

[email protected] Ronda DeVold
last updated 10-23-98