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Support Education Advocacy
s u p p o r t

Through the retelling of stories, sharing of memories, exchange of ideas, and lively discussion, PFLAG members give support to each other during and after our Sunday meetings. From the initial shock of learning about a gay or lesbian family member or friend to the pride and acceptance that follows, PFLAG is there for you. We offer a non-judgemental, open and accepting environment for you to share your feelings and your struggles. Open to families, friends, and people of all sexual orientations, our main goal is to help you understand and accept someone in your life who is gay or lesbian.
PFLAG can be an important part of your journey toward understanding. We provide a place with people who understand and will support your feelings as you move through the various phases of your journey - feelings from anger to grief to acceptance. We understand. We've been there.
Our members can tell you from experience that talking about the situation, no matter what your feelings are, really helps. There are books to read, hotlines to call, and people to meet - people who can help you through your journey by sharing their experiences. We are committed to acting with truth and respect, to confronting our fear and ignorance about homosexuality, and to build communities where difference is both understood and valued.

With PFLAG, you'll always have a shoulder to cry on, a friend to laugh with, and family to celebrate with.

Seek support on the Internet.
PFLAG-Talk Mailing List
For PFLAG members, members-at-large, and anyone interested in support.
Many Organizations Support Gay Rights:

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HTML and design:�Paul Pellerito
This site designed for and licensed to Grand Rapids PFLAG
Please direct any questions about our organization to [email protected].