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Old Guestbook Entries

I can't beleive I actually kept this.... entries from my old guest book. I guess having a bad habit of not deleting files does have its benefits once in a awhile. I've included a few entries from 1999 to 2002. Comments actually go back to 1996.


Name :   Dennis Yee
Date: :   18/12/01
URL: :   [email protected]
Where are you from? :   Hong Kong
Favourite Fetish :   Asian men
Comments :   Hello Jermyn, Your website is superb, i enjoyed viewing it very much. I am a gay chinese male and my boyfriend is chinese also from Hong Kong. I admired seeing another gay asian couple who love each other so much. You and Tony have done a wonderful job

Name :   eikichi
Date: :   22/01/02
URL: :   
Where are you from? :   Singapore
Favourite Fetish :   
Comments :   Harlo, Was surfing, can across your page. I must say it's really good, I love the section on your thoughts on love and life. Den & I can relate to that. You're an interesting person, I love to get to know you. Err... Like as a friend, that's all.... :)

Name :   ricky
Date: :   23 Jan 2002
URL: :   
Where are you from? :   Singapore
Favourite Fetish :   
Comments :   Great to know this homepage n read your story by "fate"......it's very encouraging for us as gay to be ourselves, n be positive to our future. gay life has never been easy one!!

Name :   Jason
Date: :   19 Mar 2002
URL: :   
Where are you from? :   Singapore
Favourite Fetish :   Cute guys
Comments :   Just feel very happy for both of you because it is not easy for a gay relationship to succeed. Both of you are very cute and are meant for each other. I am very touched by your stories especially your bravery to come-out to your parents at such an advance

Name :   Kevin G.
Date: :   3/29/02
Where are you from? :   USA
Favourite Fetish :   being with an Asian guy
Comments :   Your website is great! I went to SG on vacation last year and loved it. It will always have a special place in my heart. The mix of Asian men is intoxicating. You are a very cool guy and your honesty and acceptance of being gay is great.

Name :   John Lee
Date: :   08.04.2002
URL: :   
Where are you from? :   Singapore
Favourite Fetish :   Vincent Ng and Christopher Lee wearing leather :)
Comments :   Hi, Found your website kinda encouraging, me still a 19yo kid and dealing with my sexual orientation...Confusing sometimes but your site provided some good guidance... :) Well... Good luck and all the best!

Fargo - 01/05/01 18:25:15
My Email:fargo.com
Where You're From: singapore
Favourite Indulgence: the ocassional guy
Fav. Fantasy: winning the lottery
Cool Man! Always had a problem figuring out guys cause I never quite get the falling in love bit. I'm swing both ways and I kind of get what you're saying. Thanks for the insight.

Tiffany - 11/14/00 17:20:09
Where You're From: singapore
Enjoy Having Sex With: have not try yet
Fav. Fantasy: final fantasy..haha
Hey....cool website.. well basically i am also a lesbian...its so nautral...haha

Name :   funkyjazz
Date: :   13-09-01
Where are you from? :   Sunny Singapore!
Favourite Fetish :   omigosh... u think?
Comments :   hey guys! how's it gng? i'm a student frm nafa, and erm...doing a proj. on gays, so i surf on by! i'm a straight girl though, but heck... u guys r sooo cute :o) i admire u guys for the courage to step out frm the norm (but i still think it's kinda waste

ithi - 10/04/00 07:03:13
Where You're From: s'pore
Enjoy Having Sex With: ..........
Fav. Fantasy: to be wif the ger i like...
hi there...a lesbian here though. wonderful homepage u have there. true tat in spore these stuff jus dun get accepted. eniwaz u n ur lover look gd together. All the best!

mel - 09/24/00 10:37:00
Where You're From: s'pore
Fav. Fantasy: just being with someone special under a moonlit sky
hey there! you've got yourself a really cool web-site and a really eye-catching boy-friend! *wink* i completely agree with you that singapore's way way too freakin' underground. i just wanna let you know about this other site in new york which juxtaposes he closeted life-style which we lead here. it's at www.kurfew.com

Nick (Riad) - 09/01/00 18:32:07
Where You're From: Mauritius island ( am studying in singapore right now)
Fav. Fantasy: hands and eyes
hi Jermyn & Tony, you guys have done a great job i mean the web site, its very interesting to learn and get to know about your lives. i also wanted to thank you for the different locations you have mentioned, i mean where gay people have fun in singapore cause i am new in singapore and i really want to get a boyfriend, so i guess now that i know where i have to go (hahahahahah) i'll get someone into my life hopefully. i have been trying to get someone on icq but the singapore guys are so shy i mean everytime i propose to meet they backout unless there is something wrong with me or lets say my picture (hahahaha). anyways i also wanted to let you know that you are damed cute and your boyfriend too and you guys make a great couple. You are indeed very lucky cause your parents know about your homosexuality, the last time i know my parents heard about me being homosex al while reading one of my ex-boyfriends email messages and my father nearly had a heart attack and they had to rush him to the hospital so i better not raise the topic ( my fokes think i am heterosexual again after the incident ( that really makes me lau h ). and lastly before i bore you to death with my comment or lets say my huge message (hahahaha), my dream is to fly for am airline one day so wish me luck, after i finish my computer course i am goign for my medical and i hope i get through it cause i am wea ing quite strong glasses. anyways take care and if you feel like getting in touch i have ICQ nuber is :- 81

Sal - 05/26/00 06:43:22
My URL:http://sgboy.com
Where You're From: Sg
Hey Jermyn, Back at your site after almost 2 years. Didn't even know u revamped it, and much less abt u finding the man of your life! So envious... me still all alone in this world and not getting younger... duh! Trust u r keeping fine and do drop me an email if u ca . Luv, Sal...

Gene - 05/18/00 05:00:09
My URL:http://www.PoshSlut.com - under construction
Where You're From: singaypore
Enjoy Having Sex With: ermm...someone with a dick hahahaha
Fav. Fantasy: It should be filming a hardcore porno starring all my favourite actors with me as lead.
Hey Jermyn, Superb site you have for coming OUT LOUD n Proud. Found lots of familiar faces in your pics too :) Think you know pretty much of my friends. Keep up and lets home one day...everyone can be as OUT LOUD n PROUD. Gene

CK - 01/14/00 12:33:41
Gender: Male
Where Are You From?: Malaysia
Sexual Preference: Man 2 Man
Favourite Sexual Fantasy: Can't tell
My Wish for the World: Let's everyone live in peace
Great site man. Give me a better understanding of how is it like being gay. This is one of the best few personal gay site i've ever been. WELL DONE & KEEP IT UP!!!!!!

chin - 12/20/99 07:30:36
My URL:http://fly.to/fuzzyhutch
Gender: male
Where Are You From?: singapore's east coast
Sexual Preference: M2M
Favourite Sexual Fantasy: to stop making love to myself
My Wish for the World: love.truth.honesty
i've always tot that websites were but narcissitic indulgences...until i read your guestbook...and saw how you've touched fellow human beings in a most special way...well done! (and i finally know why you looked so familiar!!)

Brian - 10/05/99 03:51:07
Gender: Male
Where Are You From?: USa
Sexual Preference: GAM's (with long crewcuts)
Favourite Sexual Fantasy: tsk, tsk, tsk....that's a secret
My Wish for the World: Better understanding of the gay population,Acceptance from all, from all people of all religious beliefs.. to understand we are not much different from anyone else, we deserve the automatic rights and freedoms just like anyon else.
Nice web page, hubba hubba, u stud u, are all men of the (gay) guys in Singapore this good looking.... ?

Tim Peters - 09/19/99 03:47:39
Gender: male
Where Are You From?: Ohio, USA
Sexual Preference: homosexual
Favourite Sexual Fantasy: My goodness...probably making love in the jungle!
My Wish for the World: My wish for the world is that people would be more open-minded and tolerant. Generic, but from my heart...
You concepts of being gay and in love are just like mine! I'm 16, and I've known that I'm gay for as long as I can remember. I just hope I can find love... ^_^

deek - 08/28/99 08:10:06
Gender: male
Where Are You From?: singapore
Sexual Preference: male
Favourite Sexual Fantasy: exploring
My Wish for the World: Every consider gay as a normal true thing.
This is terrific, I really admire you having such a great homepage. But the most important thing is that you strengthen my belief that it is all right to be gay.There are many of us out there. And I will looking for my true love just like you did without any hesitation anymore.

- 08/07/99 19:02:25
Gender: Male,I guess!
Where Are You From?: Singapore,Bedok Reservoir
Sexual Preference: HAHAHA!
Favourite Sexual Fantasy: Doing it in a cable car
My Wish for the World: wars die out.
I'm not sure how I actually stumbled into your site,Jerm, but it was nice to read all over again the guy who taught what it was truly like to be a)grown up b)gay c)truly sexually aware of myself.

Will - 07/07/99 06:12:18
Gender: male
Where Are You From?: ottawa, canada
Sexual Preference: asian males
Favourite Sexual Fantasy: doin it in space
My Wish for the World: survival
just when i'm thinking i should shake my addiction to the pc i land on you! great site,great looks,great style,very upbeat and alive guy you are an inspiration love to meet you hey i'll never quit now thanks jermyn!

Jason - 07/07/99 05:12:06
Gender: male
Where Are You From?: Singapore
Sexual Preference: male
Favourite Sexual Fantasy: well...
My Wish for the World: equality beteween gays and straights
Kudos to you for your brave outing. I'm as old as you are, but I'm still wallowing in anonymity in this conservative society where you just wouldn't want to know what it'd be like after you confess without anybody to cling on to. I'm envious of you, Jermy , for you've achieved so much so far for personal freedom. I'm still waiting for the one to come along.

Jevons Ang - 06/10/99 05:04:35
Gender: MAle
Where Are You From?: Singapore
Sexual Preference: MAle,Man,Nan Ren
My Wish for the World: Peace.
hello,i apologize firstly becoz i dun know u but i also dun know how i get to ur homepage.after all,i find that u have a very interesting life and i am glad that ur parents accept u as being gay.and i really hope that u and ur bf can be together forever a d ever and happy always.by the way,i am just a 18yo young guy,to many of u,might not really like to tok to us on irc,haha,take care.

Kevin - 05/27/99 16:01:50
Gender: Male
Where Are You From?: Singapore
Sexual Preference: The orgasmic kind!
Favourite Sexual Fantasy: The one I live out with my boyfriend frequently...
My Wish for the World: To experience the real meaning of love
Hi Jermyn! First off, I'm sure you've heard this before, but I'll say it again anyway! You do have a great homepage. Being a fellow Singaporean, I cannot but feel happy that you're out to your friends and family. I really wish I could do the same ; coming from a religious family, that is pretty hard to cope with. I am attached as well; to a wonderful guy. Only thing is he's a whole lot younger than me!! The thought of coming out to my family ( I'm out to friends already ), appeals more as the months go by. Could you share with me how you did that? Once again, great homepage. Wishing you and your other half a wonderful future!! Buh Bye!......Kevin

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