Look at me!

Can't you see me?
Why can't you see me?

I'm right, I know I am!
I've tried to tell others.
They laugh at me, make fun of me.
Sometimes they hit or beat me.
It hurts.
Whatever they say or do,
it hurts.
They don't see me!
Why they can't see me?

I've learned to keep quiet.
I've learned not to tell.
But it hurts so much to hold it in!
I can't keep living this lie!

I am so alone!
I feel so trapped!

Look at me!
Can't you see me?
Why can't anyone see me?
Help me, somebody,
please help me.
Listen to me,
somebody please listen.
I'm right, I know I am.
This boy's body isn't mine!

Listen to me -- I am a girl!

� 1997 D.E. White

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� 1997 D.E. White


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