Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet
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As I See It

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I started the Atkins Diet with the thought in my head that I was going to lose weight no matter what. I had, in the previous month, been told that I had two herniated disks in my lower back and that the weight I was carrying would contribute to the ongoing degeneration. This did not set well with me so I began searching for a plan that would allow me to keep it simple while allowing me to lose weight.

The Atkins plan started with me reading the book "Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution." In this book I found references to steak, lamb, cream cheese, pork rinds and every other unthinkable thing one COULD NOT eat on a other diets.

The single largest boast was about the extreme weight loss one could experience in just the first two weeks. 10 to 20 pounds

Me on 2/11/02


were stated as an average weight loss. "WOW!", I thought. I had failed at other weight loss plans and really could not understand why, I was reducing my caloric intake to match my level of activity (office worker...I was down to 480 calories per day). Not really interested in exercise I began thinking my eating habits could explain it.

Me on 4/1/02

As I looked at my eating habits, I saw that I was regularly consuming mass quantities of refined sugar products to just keep me going all the time. No matter what level of exercise, my body would still crave sugar to keep going. It fit in with my frame of mind of convenience and efficiency. Just run the body on sugar all of the time and not worry about the other stuff. What I found was that I was needing more sleep and not getting a restful sleep at that.

A little sum'in sum'in here.