Answers to Some of Your Questions

I have had some questions regarding my views on such issues as:

This is an attempt to answer some of them.

Coming Out

I think it is wonderful that so many people are coming out, even with the many possible risks. Sexual minorities are feeling more comfortable about themselves and society. In addition, people in our society seem to be overcoming the stereotypes and myths surrounding sexual minorities just like they have been gradually overcoming stereotypes and myths surrounding gender, race, and disabilities. The good news is that young people today have gay and lesbian role models in politics, the media, sports, and other societal institutions. This "normalization" greatly reduces isolation and emptiness, and is something that was not possible for older cohorts of gay men and lesbians.
Read a beautiful coming out letter

Special Schools for Sexual Minority Youths

I have mixed feelings about having sexual minority youths attend separate schools. I definitely agree that gay/bisexual/lesbian youths face great challenges because of the abuse they experience from their peers and families. The abuse some sexual minority youths experience probably results in major learning, psychosocial, and developmental issues for some of these young people.

There are several problems with sending sexual minority youths to special schools: (1) sending sexual minority youths to special schools does not address the problems of homophobia and heterosexism in schools and society, (2) sending a sexual minority youth to a special school, in effect, makes the sexual minority youth "the problem" to be addressed, and (3) "segregating" sexual minority youths contributes to stigma. "Normalizing" and experience are usually what help people overcome their stereotypes and myths about specific populations.


I am not going to go into any major philosophical discussion about this because (1) it is dangerous and
(2) people who are interested in politics usually have their minds made up already anyway. I will say that I am a humanist. To be a humanist, you cannot be sexist, racist, heterosexist, classist, or "religious elitist." When I look at our two political parties' platforms, the one that closest resembles my values is the Democractic party's. That is not to say that I do not consider Republicans. I have voted for outstanding people on both sides of the table. What I am saying is that the Republican party practices categorical exclusion and proudly states this in its platform. I do not reinforce that kind of thinking or policy.

Youths and Sex

People seem to have the same misguided notions about sex that they have about homosexuality: if youths hear about "it" or youths see "it," they will do "it."

For the most part, young kids think sex is "icky." Older kids whose hormones begin to kick in often start masturbating, usually without any "instruction" from others. Adolescents are curious about sex and sexuality and often have inadequate and/or inaccurate information. On one hand, sex is glorified and "mystified" in/by the media and among young people. On the other hand, youths are "assumed" to be naive that the topic even exists. Attempts to "shelter" young people from issues of sexuality only serve to "tabooize" sex and make the youths more curious.

Youths often learn about sex and sexuality from the media and their peers, for the most part, because only 15 percent of parents are reported to be a "major source of information" regarding sexuality. In addition, sex education curricula often just talks about the "reproductive mechanics," parts, and body chemistry of heterosexual sex. Other important issues (i.e., relationships/intimacy, negotiating using a condom or being abstinent, being sexually fulfilled without having sex, sexual diversity) are often not addressed by sex education curricula.

Bottom line: youths have been having sex, are having sex, and will continue to have sex, so they might as well be educated about "it" so they can make informed decisions, be prepared for relationships, and be responsible.

"Keep Your Private Life Private"

For those of you who have told me "You should keep your private life private" I will respond, "I will if you will." Here are some things to do:

Let the life full of love and enjoyment begin!!!

Anyway, I'll get off of my soapbox now. I hope I have not offended anyone. But I wanted to take some time to respond. ( asked for it!)

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