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Closets are for Clothes

Friends are Forever

My wife Mena took this picture in December 1996, soon after I returned from my research trip to Austin, Texas. I think I was still basking in the afterglow of that trip.

Not long afterwards, I became increasingly active in the Illusion Transgender Society, even though I was mired in the midst of writing my MA Thesis at the University of Calgary.

I was starting to leave my closet. I came out to my younger sister and a small circle of friends inside and outside of academia. By spring, that circle expanded to the rest of my family, including my Mom and Dad, and my brother and his wife.

To my utter amazement and delight, the sky had not fallen!

In May 1997, Empress VI Michelle convinced me to run for Empress VII at the annual Birthday Party in June. That led to my election as Second Princess VII.

In the meantime, I learned that my twentieth anniversay high school reunion was planned for July 1997. I had the germs of an idea that eventually became Chris/tina's high school homecoming.

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