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Barney the Purple 

Updated 20 July 2008

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�2008 KAP Designs

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About Me

Well, for those of you who do not know me already, here is the lowdown. I grew up in this sorry town called Sarasota, FL (great if you are a retired person with lots of money, but sucks if you aren't and don't). I graduated class of 1983 from Booker High School, and have an Associate's Degree from Webster College (Bradenton, FL- which has closed since). I love Digital Photography, and would love to pursue a career in artistic and nature photography.

I work full time, but due to my Bosses' Paranoia, I cannot say what I do, or who I work for. Let's just say...alternative Retail Management. I also have a budding business on the side- KAP Information Services, where I do basic website design, digital photography, design web galleries, and Research Information for Businesses and Individuals.

I currently live with my Dad, who has recently survived Ear Cancer. It took 6 weeks of Radiation Treatments, but everything looks good now. He has also survived Melanoma Cancer as well. He is getting up their in years, but he is a strong person, and a fighter. My Heterosexual Life Partner Ken is currently living in Springfield, MA, where I may eventually move to as well. All I can say is thank God for Unlimited cell phone plans! You can take a look at our kids by clicking Here.

You can see more pics of me, and my friends when you visit here.

Below are some sites of interest to me, that I wanted to share with you so you'd get a better glimpse of me. Also, please continue to learn more about me by clicking on the sidebar buttons.

Spikey's Picks:

Just For Fun:

Check out other pages I have worked on:

My Online Resume

Click for Sarasota, Florida 

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