(*subject to change whenever I can be piggin' bothered)

Okay, this is the bit where you feign interest and I’m supposed to come up with something really witty or thought-provoking.......erm.......guess you’ll just have to double your efforts ‘cos I ain’t gonna meet up to my end of the deal.

[taken 29th April 2001]

[taken 29th April 2001]

My name is Ricky, better known in chat rooms (on the rare occasions I get to them these days) as X-BEAR. QTarseBear is an even older handle.I live in the U.K., in Notting Hill in London.

I’m 38 years old (as of 12th June 2001), 5’6”, and look pretty much like the pic(taken 29th April 2001), subject to the time of weight.....I mean , year. I work as a nurse......tend to call myself a professional botty-wiper........’course that’s not all nurses do........just95% of the time.I used to work on the Residential Unit of the London Lighthouse which was the largest centre in Europe for people with H.I.V. and A.I.D.S. until August 1998, when,due to politics and funding, all the Residential Unit staff were made redundant and the unit closed.

Now I work back in the NHS on an acute ward dealing with Immunology & Infectious Diseases.

I tend to go for the standard interests that given the choice, most people tend to list ( as opposed to those incomputer dating forms that manage to combine knitting with hang-gliding) , and also comics,BSL andline-dancing(hey,I’m a Brit......it’s an improvement on Morris Dancing.)The pics below are from Berlin,November 1999 , Cologne ,December 1999 and Bournemouth,RCN Congress,April 2000

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