Home Page for the Lambda Midwest Web Ring

The Lambda Midwest Web Ring: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual,Trans Midwest

This Lambda Midwest Web Ring site is owned by
Rodney A. Bell, II.

Want to join the Lambda Midwest Web Ring?
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The Lambda Midwest Ring is for gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered websites in the Midwest and includes the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Oklahoma, Indiana, Colorado, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois and Ohio. The goal of Lambda Midwest as an email list, a web site, a message board, links to queer files and now a web ring is to link/communicate/join people from the Midwestern states who are isolated from the many elements of the coasts in a common goal to unite and bring more hits to each others' web sites. Join today!!! USE THE HTML FRAGMENT ABOVE, IF YOU DON'T RECEIVE ONE LIKE IT IN YOUR EMAIL!!!! Customize it with your own email address, owner's name and ring id number!

Here are the Lambda Midwest Web Ring Guidelines:

(a) The Web Site that you want to add to the Lambda Midwest Web Ring must be gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgendered or related. (b) No web sites promoting hate of any group, including ethnic, religious, sexual or gender orientation, national, disability, etc.
(c) Your site must originate in, or cover, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Oklahoma, Indiana, Colorado, Michigan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, or Ohio.
(d) No pornographic or XXX-rated sites will be approved. The Lambda Midwest Ring Owner reserves the right to refuse to add any, I repeat, any web site to the Lambda Midwest Web Ring for any reason! We will not approve any web site that would jeopardize the mission of Lambda Midwest, its email listserv, its web site, its message board, queer file archives or web ring!

If your web site meets all of these requirements, then your first step is to submit it to the Lambda MidwestRing queue:

Submit web site to Lambda Midwest Ring
Owner's Name:
Web Site Title:
Web Site URL:

Please choose a password for your submission! (Don't forget it!)
Key words: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your web site.
Description: Enter a short description of your web site.

Next, you'll need to download the graphics for the Lambda Midwest Ring:

Now, please check your e-mail for the HTML fragment you'll need to past into your Homepage. Once you've done this, send me an email, and I'll add your site to the ring, as soon as I review your web site and determine it meets the requirements of the Lambda Midwest Ring. If you don't receive any email with the HTML fragment, please contact me or use the HTML fragment at the top!!! To save the graphics, use the right click and save to your hard drive function on your browser!!
That's all there is to it!

You can also edit your page from here:
Edit Site Code:
Site ID No:

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Web Page Content � 1998-2004 Rodney Allen Bell, II[email protected]

This Page Last Updated 8/22/98,10/06/04

This Page has been accessed: times since 8/12/98

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